Covadonga Alonso Marti

Investigadora del Departamento de Biotecnología (INIA)

Datos básicos

Nombre: Covadonga Alonso Marti

About me: Investigadora del Departamento de Biotecnología (INIA)

Localization: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria INIA

Líneas de Investigación
  • Transcriptomic and Proteomic analysis of Virus-Host Interactions/Análisis  Transcriptómico y Proteómico de la Interacción Virus-Célula. 
  • Large DNA viruses. African swine fever virus/Virus de la peste porcina africana
  • Intervention strategies against viral infections: Vaccines and Antivirals/Estrategias de intervención frente a enfermedades víricas: Vacinas y Antivirales
  • Nanobiotechnology. Vaccine delivery/ Nanobiotecnología. Entrega de vacunas
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology/Biología Molecular y Celular
  • Viral Pathogenesis/Patogenesis viral
Publicaciones recientes

Barrado-Gil L., I. Galindo, S. Viedma and C. Alonso. 2017. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is required for African swine fever replication. PLoS ONE  12: e0189741. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189741

 Hakobyan A., I. Galindo, A. Nañez, E. Arabyan, Z. Karalyan, A. A. Chistov, P.P. Streshnev, V.A. Korshun, C. Alonso and H. Zakaryan. 2017. Rigid amphipathic fusion inhibitors demonstrate antiviral activity against African swine fever virus. Journal General Virology  99:148-156 doi 10.1099/jgv.0.000991

 Dixon LK, PJ Sánchez-Cordón, I. Galindo and C. Alonso. 2017. Investigations of Pro- and Anti-apoptotic factors affecting African swine fever virus replication and pathogenesis. Viruses 9, 241. doi: 10.3390/v9090241

 Cuesta-Geijo M.A., L. Barrado-Gil, I. Galindo, R. Muñoz-Moreno and C. Alonso. 2017. Redistribution of Endosomal membranes to the African swine fever virus replication site. Viruses 9, 133. doi: 10.3390/v9060133

Galindo I. and C. Alonso. 2017. African Swine Fever Virus: A Review. Viruses  9, 103. doi: 10.3390/v9050103

González-Aramundiz, J.V., E. Presas, I. Dalmau-Mena, S. Martínez-Pulgarín, C. Alonso, J.M. Escribano, M.J. Alonso. 2016. Rational Design of Protamine Nanocapsules as Antigen Delivery Carriers. Journal of Controlled Release 245: 62-69. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.11.012

Borca M.V., V. O’Donnell, L.G. Holinka,  D.K. Rai, B. Stanford, M. Alfano, J. Carlson, P.A. Azzinaro, C. Alonso, D.P. Gladue. 2016. Identification of a BAT3 as an essential host factor for African Swine Fever Virus protein EP152R. Virus Research 223:181-189

Muñoz-Moreno R., M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, C. Martínez-Romero, L. Barrado-Gil, I. Galindo, A. García-Sastre and C. Alonso. 2016. Antiviral role of Interferon-induced Transmembrane proteins in African swine fever virus infection PLoS ONE 11(4): e0154366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154366. 

Klionsky al. 2016. Guidelines for the Use and Interpretation of Assays for Monitoring Autophagy, 2nd Edition. Autophagy 12 (1), 1-222, 2016. 

 Cuesta-Geijo M.A., M. Chiappi, I. Galindo, L. Barrado-Gil,  R. Muñoz-Moreno, José L. Carrascosa and C. Alonso. 2016. Cholesterol flux is required for endosomal progression of African swine fever virus. Journal of Virology 90 (3): 1534-43. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02694-15.  PMID: 26608317

Metz, G.E., I. Galindo, M.M. Abeyá, M.G. Echeverría and C. Alonso. 2016. Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Endoplasmic Reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in RK13 cells infected with Equine Arteritis Virus. Virus Research 213: 219-223. DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2015.12.010  PMID: 26732484

 Muñoz-Moreno R., I. Galindo, M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, L. Barrado-Gil and C. Alonso. 2015. Host cell targets for African swine fever virus. Special issue Cell Response to Viral Infection. Virus Research, 209: 118-127. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2015.05.026. PMID: 26057710

 Muñoz-Moreno R., L. Barrado-Gil, I. Galindo and C. Alonso. 2015 Analysis of HDAC6 and BAG3-aggresome pathways in African swine fever viral factory formation. Viruses 7, 1823-1831 doi: 10.3390/v7041823  PMID: 25856634

 Galindo I., M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, K. Hlavova, R. Muñoz-Moreno, Lucía Barrado-Gil, Javier Dominguez and C. Alonso. 2015. African swine fever virus infects macrophages, the natural host cells, via clathrin- and cholesterol-dependent endocytosis. Virus Research, 200: 45-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2015.01.022. PMID: 25662020

C. Alonso. African swine fever conquers new territories.Virus Research 2013 173: 1-2. CLAVE:A IF: 2.941PMID: 23376880

C. Alonso, I. Galindo, M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, M. Cabezas, B. Hernáez, R. Muñoz-Moreno. AfricanSwineFever Virus-CellInteractions: From Virus Entry to Cell Survival. Virus Research 2013 173: 42-57. PMID:23262167

Escribano J.M., I. Galindo, C. Alonso. Antibody-mediated neutralization of African swine fever virus. Myths and facts.Virus Research 2013 173: 101-109. PMID: 23159730

Cuesta-Geijo M.A., I. Galindo, B. Hernáez, J.I. Quetglás, I. Dalmau-Mena and C. Alonso. Endosomal maturation, Rab7 GTPase and Phosphoinositides in African Swine Fever Virus entry. PLoSONE 2012, 7: e48853 IPMID:23133661

Galindo I., B. Hernáez, M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, I. Dalmau-Mena and C. Alonso. The ATF6 branch of Unfolded Protein Response and Apoptosis are activated to promote African Swine Fever virus infection. Cell Death and Disease 2012 Jul 5;3:e341. PMID: 22764100

Moros M., B. Hernáez, E. Garet, J. T. Dias, B. Sáez, V. Grazu, A. González- Fernández, C. Alonso, J.M. De La Fuente. MonosaccharidesVersus PEG-Functionalized NPs: Influence in the Cellular Uptake. ACS Nano 2012. 6(2):1565-77. PMID: 22214244

Quetglas J.I., Hernaez B., I. Galindo, R. Muñoz-Moreno, M.A.Cuesta-Geijo and C. Alonso Small Rho GTPases and cholesterol biosynthetic pathway intermediates in African swine fever virus infection. Journal of Virology2012 Feb;86(3):1758-67 PMID: 22114329

Galindo I., B. Hernáez, J. Berná, J. Fenoll, J.L. Cenis, J.M. Escribano and C. Alonso.Comparative inhibitory activity of stilbenes resveratrol and oxyresveratrol on African swine fever virus replication Antiviral Research91: 57-63, 2011. PMID: 21557969

Hernáez B., T. Tarragó, E. Giralt, J. M. Escribano, and C Alonso.Small Peptide Inhibitors Disrupt a High-Affinity Interaction between Cytoplasmic Dynein and a Viral Cargo Protein. Journal of Virology 84 (20), 10792–10801, 2010. PMID: 20686048

Gil F., M. Perez-Filgueira, M. G. Barderas, C. Pastor-Vargas, C. Alonso, F. Vivanco and J. M. Escribano. Targeting antigens to an invariant epitope of the MHC Class II DR molecule potentiates the immune response to subunit vaccinesVirus Research 155: 55-60, 2010. PMID:21549789

Hernaez, B. and C. Alonso.Dynamin- and clathrin-dependent endocytosis in African swine fever virus entry.Journal of Virology 84(4):2100-9, 2010.PMID: 19939916

Hernáez B., J M. Escribano and C. Alonso.The African swine fever virus protein p30 interacts with the heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP-K) during infection FEBS Letters 582, 3275–3280, 2008. PMID: 18775702

Galindo I., B. Hernáez, G. Díaz-Gil, J.M. Escribano and C. Alonso. A179L, a viral Bcl-2 homologue, targets the core Bcl-2 apoptotic machinery and its upstream BH3 activators with selective binding restrictions for Bid and Noxa. VirologyVol 375(5): 561-572, 2008.I PMID: 18329683

Carpintero R., C. Alonso, M. Piñeiro, M. Iturralde, M. Andrés, F. Madec, M. A. Álava, A. Piñeiro, F. Lampreave.Pig-Major Acute-Phase Protein and apolipoprotein A-I response correlated with the severity of experimentally induced African Swine Fever and Aujeszky´sdisease. Veterinary Research 38: 741–753, 2007. PMID: 17637332

Rivera J., C. Abrahms, B. Hernaez, A. Alcázar, L. Dixon, J. M. Escribano and C Alonso.The MyD116-African Swine Fever viral homologue interacts with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase-1 and activates its phosphatase activity.Journal of Virology 81 (6): 2923- 2929, 2007. PMID: 17215279  

Alfonso P., J.I. Quetglás, J.M. Escribano and C. Alonso.Protein pE120R of African swine fever virus is post-translationally acetylated as revealed by post-source decay MALDI mass spectrometry. Virus Genes 35 (1): 81- 85, 2007. PMID: 16964554



PATENT RU2503686-C2 (WO/2009/053340) N.: European Patent EP2203468 (EP20080843012)  New antiviral composition comprises a peptide from African swine fever virus (ASFV) which prevents the binding of dynein light chain (DLC8), useful for treating infections attributable to a virus.Inventores: Covadonga Alonso, Jose M. Escribano, Bruno Hernáez.

PATENT WO/2012/110636 Carrier peptides for cell delivery. Inventors: Covadonga Alonso and Jose Escribano  No: US 2013/985.747-A1 Country: EEUU Submission: 29/10/2013 Date Granted 02/02/2017 Title: Carrier peptides for cell delivery. No: WO/2012/110636. Country: World Patent Date priority: 05/03/2011 Inventors: C Alonso and JM Escribano Owned by: INIA

  • Department Director. Dpt. Biotechnology, INIA. Since 2017 Responsible of the Confocal Microscopy Unit.

  • ICTV- Chair Study group Asfarviridae, International Committee of Virus Taxonomy. Reports about clasification of viruses. Bioinformatics integration of ICTV Report, Sanger Center, Hinxton Campus, Reino Unido. Senior author of the chapter Asfarviridae. Since 2012-current

  • Chief Executive Global African Swine Fever Research Alliance (GARA) ENTITY: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) DATE: April 2014-2016 (reelected until 2018) 
  • Vicesecretary of the Steering Board of the Spanish Society of Virology (SEV) since 2012/ Vicesecretaria Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Española de Virología,
  • FAO- Invited Expert in the African swine fever Prevention and Control Forum, organiza FAO China and Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China. 25- 26 Noviembre 2015. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

  • President of the Association of Research Personnel of INIA (API-INIA) elected in 2016.

  • Coordination of University Master Courses:  Coordinator of the Practical Work in laboratories for the Final Master Thesis of the Master of Virology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) for 30 students
  • Coordinator of the Subject Virus-Host Interactions of the Master of Virology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) 12 ECTS 45 hours/year.
  • Teacher of several Courses: Master of Virology UCM, Biomolecules and Cell Dynamics UAM (Functional and Applied Virology), International University Menendez Pelayo, etc. Over 5 hours/year

  • Invited Editor/Editor invitado. Special Issue African swine fever. Virus Research Volume 173, Issue 1, 2013 Special Issue African Swine Fever 
Endocitosis del virus de la peste porcina africana.

Special Issue African swine fever
