Miguel Ángel Cuesta Geijo

Datos básicos

Nombre: Miguel Ángel Cuesta Geijo

Localization: Instituto Nacional De Investigaciones Agrarias, Madrid, España

Líneas de investigación
  • Virología
  • Biotecnología
  • Biología celular
Publicaciones recientes

C. Alonso, I. Galindo, M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, M. Cabezas, B. Hernáez, R. Muñoz-Moreno. AfricanSwineFever Virus-CellInteractions: From Virus Entry to Cell Survival.Virus Research 2013 173: 42-57. PMID:23262167

Hernaez B., M. Cabezas, R. Muñoz-Moreno, I. Galindo, M.A.Cuesta-Geijo and C. Alonso A179L, a new viral Bcl2 homolog targetingBeclin 1 autophagy related protein. Current Molecular Medicine 2013,13(2): 305-316. Dec 4. CLAVE:A IF: 5.10PMID: 23228131

Galindo I., B. Hernáez, M.A. Cuesta-Geijo, I. Dalmau-Mena and C. Alonso. The ATF6 branch of Unfolded Protein Response and Apoptosis are activated to promote African Swine Fever virus infection. Cell Death and Disease 2012 Jul 5;3:e341. CLAVE:A IF: 6.044 (35/184 Cell Biology)PMID: 22764100

Quetglas J.I., Hernaez B., I. Galindo, R. Muñoz-Moreno, M.A.Cuesta-Geijo and C. Alonso Small Rho GTPases and cholesterol biosynthetic pathway intermediates in African swine fever virus infection. Journal of Virology2012 Feb;86(3):1758-67 CLAVE:A IF: 5.2PMID: 22114329
