Gloria Sánchez Moragas

Datos básicos

Nombre: Gloria Sánchez Moragas


Gloria Sánchez is a Doctor in Biology, specialized in Food Microbiology. She is a research scientist at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) and at the University of Valencia. She is working in the microbiology food safety area, dealing with method development and assessment of food manufacturing. Her research is devoted to the study of foodborne pathogens, mainly human enteric viral agents as norovirus and hepatitis A virus. She reports more than 70 peer-reviewed international publications and book chapters. She is currently member of the Committee CEN/TC 275/WG6/TAG4 of the European Union (Enteric viruses in food), expert member of panel “Systematic Review of Public Health effectiveness of Molecular typing of Bacteria and Viruses”, member of the Spanish Committee AEN/CTN34/SC4/GT06 (Microbial contamination) and member of the Advisory Council of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety. She was also a member of the Management Committee of the Cost 929 Action“A European Network for Environmental and Food Virology“. She was project leader of the enteric virus group (2004-2008) at Nestlé Research Center in Switzerland.