María Dolores Hernando Guil

Científica Titular de OPIs

Datos básicos

Nombre: María Dolores Hernando Guil

About me: Científica Titular de OPIs

Localization: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, INIA

About me

Over the last 15 years, María Dolores Hernando has participated in 5 EU Projects in the 5th- 7th framework programme and in 10 national- funded research projects related with environmental sustainability, contamination, water research, protection of natural resources, food safety and food quality. Within the field of environmental sustainability, the need to protect and manage natural resources has driven the interdisciplinary nature of some of these research projects delivering options for pollution control and strategies that value and protect them from contaminants. Within the field of food safety and food quality, research is focused on the development and validation of advanced and sensitive analytical methods for the screening of pesticide residues and contaminants in food, especially in vegetables and fruits encompassing the whole production and packaging process. As invention, she has participated in two patented technologies. One for treating water contaminated by pesticides and other pollutants from agricultural sources, and the second, for treating vegetable waste from farms. She has worked during 4 years on international efforts to address persistent toxic substances through the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants of the United Nations as Head of the Technical Team of the Spanish National Reference Centre for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and in supporting implementation of the European REACH Regulation aimed at protecting people and the environment from hazardous substances (2 years).

Present projects and ID´s

Holistic evaluation of risk factors in honey bees and wild pollinators. The situation in Spain. RTA2013-00042-C10

Improved resource efficiency throughout the post-harvest chain of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. FP7-ERANET-SUSFOOD


