Resultados: Artículos científicos/ Scientific publications
1.K. P. Yáñez, J. L. Bernal, M. J. Nozal, M. T. Martin, J. Bernal. Fast Determination of Imidacloprid in Beeswax by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Electrospray-Mass Spectrometry. Current Anal. Chem., 2013, 9: 495-503.
2.K. P. Yáñez, J. L. Bernal, M. J. Nozal, M. T. Martin, J. Bernal. Determination of seven neonicotinoid insecticides in beeswax by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray-mass spectrometry using a fused-core column. J. Chromatogr. A, 2013, 1285: 110-117.
3.Sánchez-Hernández L., Hernández-Domínguez D., Bernal J., Neusüß C., Martín M.T., Bernal J.L. Capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry as a new approach toanalyze neonicotinoid insecticides. J. Chromatogr A, 2014, 1359: 317-324
4.K. P. Yáñez, J. L. Bernal, M. J. Nozal, M. T. Martin, J. Bernal. Trace analysis of seven neonicotinoid insecticides in bee pollen by solid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Food Anal Met, 2014, 7: 490-499.
5.K. P. Yáñez, M. T. Martín, J. L. Bernal, M. J. Nozal, J. Bernal. Determination of spinosad at trace levels in bee pollen and beeswax with solid–liquid extraction and LC–ESI-MS. J Separ. Sci., 2014, 37: 204-210.
6.Cepero A., Ravoet J., Gómez-Moracho T., Bernal J.L., Del Nozal M.J., Bartolomé C., Maside X., Meana A. González-Porto A.V., de Graaf D. C., Martín-Hernández R. and Higes M. Holistic screening of collapsing honey bee colonies in Spain: a case study. BMC Research Notes, 2014, 7:64
7.Sánchez L., Higes M., Martín M.T., Nozal M.J., Bernal J.L. Simultaneous determination of neonicotinoid insecticides in sunflower-treated seeds (hull and kernel) by LC-MS/MS. Food Addit & Cont: Part A, 2015, 33:442-451
8.Gómez-Moracho T., Bartolomé C., Bello X., Martín-Hernández R., Higes M., Maside X. Recent worldwide expansion of Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) in Apis mellifera populations inferred from multilocus patterns of genetic variation. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2015, 31: 87-94.
9.Ravoet J., Schwarz R.S., Descamps T., Yañez O., Ozge Tozkar O., Martin-Hernandez R., Bartolomé C., De Smet L., Higes M., Wenseleers T., Schmid-Hempel R., Neumann P., Kadowaki T., Evans J.D., de Graaf D.C. Differential diagnosis of the honey bee trypanosomatids Crithidia mellificae and Lotmaria passim. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 2015, 130:21-27.
10.Antonio Nanetti A., Rodriguez-García C., Meana A., Martín-Hernández R., Higes M. Effect of oxalic acid on Nosema ceranae infection. Research in Veterinary Science, 2015: 102: 167-172.
11.Maside X., Gómez-Moracho T., Jara L., Martín-Hernández R., De la Rúa P., Higes M., Bartolomé C. Population genetics of Nosema apis and Nosema 1 ceranae: one host (Apis mellifera) and two different histories. PLoS ONE, 2015, e0145609
12.Gómez-Moracho, T., Bartolomé, C., Martín-Hernández, R., Higes, M, Maside, X. Evidence for weak genetic recombination at the PTP2 locus of Nosema ceranae. Environmental Microbiology 2015, 17: 1300-1309.
13.Cepero A., Martín R., Bartolomé C., Gómez T., Barrios L., Bernal J., Martín M.T., Meana A., Higes M.Passive laboratory surveillance in Spain: pathogens as risk factors for honey bee colony collapse. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2015, DOI 10.1080/00218839.2016.1162978
14.Jara L., Muñoz I., Cepero A., Martín-Hernández R., Serrano J., Higes M., De la Rúa P. Stable genetic diversity despite parasite and pathogen spread in honey bee colonies. Sci Nat 2015, 102:53
15.Flores, J.M., Gil, S., Padilla, F. Reliability of the main field diagnostic methods of Varroa in honey bee colonies. Arch. Zootec. 2015, 64:161-166.
16.Sánchez V., Gil S., Flores J.M., Quiles F.J., Ortíz M.A., Luna J.J. Implementation of an electronic system to monitor the thermoregulatory capacity of honeybee colonies in hives with open-screened bottom boards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2015, 119: 200-216.
17.Vázquez, P.P., Lozano, A., Uclés, S., Ramos, M.M.G., Fernández-Alba, A.R. A sensitive and efficient method for routine pesticide multiresidue analysis in bee pollen samples using gas and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr A, 2015, 1426: 161-173.
18.Carballo M, Asensio I, Gonzalez M, Muñoz MJ. Valoración ambiental de tratamientos contra varroa en colmenas de Apis mellífera. Revista de Toxicologia 2015, 32:35.
19.Sánchez L., Hernández D., Martín M.T., Nozal M.J., Higes M., Bernal J.L. Residues of neonicotenoids and their metabolites in honey and pollen from sunflower and maize seed dressing crops. J. Chromatogr. A, 2016, 1428: 220-227
20.Higes M., Rodríguez-García C., Gómez-Moracho T., Meana A., Bartolomé C., Maside X., Barrios L., Martín-Hernández R. Survival of honey bees (Apis mellifera) infected with Crithidia mellificae spheroid forms (Langridge and McGhee: ATCC ® 30254™) in the presence of Nosema ceranae. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14(3),2016: 2171-9292
21.Valverde S., Bernal J.L., Martín M.T., Nozal M.J., Bernal J. Fast determination of neonicotinoid insecticides in bee pollen using QuEChERS and ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Electrophoresis 2016, 37:2470-2477
22.Asensio I., Vicente-Rubiano M., Muñoz M.J., Fernández-Carrión E., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., Carballo M. Importance of ecological factors and colony handling for optimizing health status of apiaries in Mediterranean ecosystems. PLoS One. 2016:e0164205. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164205.
23.García-Valcárcel A.I., Molero E., Tadeo J.L., Hernando M.D. Determination of selected environmental contaminants in foraging honeybees. Talanta, 2016, 148: 1-6.
24.Gómez-Ramos M. M., García-Valcárcel A.I., Tadeo J.L., Fernández-Alba A.R and Hernando M.D. Screening of environmental contaminants in honey bee wax comb using gas chromatography-high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2016, 23: 4609-4620
25.S. Herrera López, A. Lozano, A. Sosa, MD. Hernando, AR. Fernández-Alba. Screening of pesticide residues in honey bee wax comb using gas chromatography-high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Chemosphere 2016, 163: 44-53
26.E. Hakme, A. Lozano, MM. Gómez-Ramos, MD. Hernando, AR Fernández-Alba. Non-target evaluation of contaminants in honeybees and pollen samples by gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Chemosphere 2017, 172, 1310-1319.
27.García, M.D.G, Uclés, S, Fernández, A.B.L, Sosa, A., Fernández-Alba, A.R. Multiresidue method for trace pesticide analysis in honeybee wax comb by GC-QqQ-MS. Talanta, 2017, 163: 54-64
28.Gil-Lebrero, S., Quiles-Latorre, F.J., Ortiz-López, M., Sánchez-Ruiz, V., Gámiz-López, V., Luna-Rodríguez, J.J., Honey Bee Colonies Remote Monitoring System. Sensors 2017, 17, 55.
29.AM. Ares, S. Valverde, JL. Bernal, L. Toribio, MJ. Nozal, J. Bernal. Determination of flubendiamide in honey at trace levels by using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to cuadrupole time-of-flight mass Spectrometry. Food Chemistry 2017, 232: 169-176
30.AM. Ares, JL. Bernal, MJ. Nozal, J. Bernal. Simultaneous determination of thiamethoxam, clothianidin and metazachlor residues in soil by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to cuadrupole time-of-flight mass Spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 2017, 40: 1083-1090.
31.Carballo M, González M, Bosch J, De la Torre A. Valoración de compuestos químicos en cera y toxicidad para la abeja melifera (Apis mellifera). Revista de Toxicologia 2017, 34: 64.
32.Jara L., Martínez-López D., Muñoz I., De la Rúa P. Epidemiological Survey of Ascosphaera apis in Small-Scale Migratory Apis mellifera iberiensis Colonies. Sociobiology 2018, 65: 285-290 (DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v65i2.2685).
33.Buendía, M, Martín-Hernández, R., Ornosa, C, Barrios, L., Bartolomé, C., Higes, M. Epidemiological study of honeybee pathogens in Europe: The results of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2018, 16 e0502, 10p.
34.Cristina Rodríguez-García, Jay D. Evans, Wenfeng Li, Belén Branchiccela, Jiang Hong Li, Matthew C. Heerman, Olubukola Banmeke, Yazhou Zhao, Michele Hamilton, Mariano Higes, Raquel Martín-Hernández, Yan Ping Chen. Nosemosis control in European honey bees, Apis mellifera, by silencing the gene encoding Nosema ceranae polar tube protein 3. Journal of Experimental Biology 2018 221: jeb184606 doi: 10.1242/jeb.184606
35.S. Valverde, AM. Ares, JL Bernal, MJ. Nozal, J. Bernal. Effect of the storage conditions (light and temperatura) on the detection of thiamethoxam and clothianidin in rapeseeds by LC-DAD. Food Analytical Methods 2018, 11: 161-169.
36.S. Valverde, AM. Ares, JL Bernal, MJ. Nozal, J. Bernal. Fast determination of neonicotenoid insecticides in beeswax by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using an enhanced matrix removal-lipid sorbent for clean-up. Microchemical Journal, 2018, 142:70-77
37.S. Valverde, AM. Ares, M. Arribas, JL Bernal, MJ. Nozal, J. Bernal. Development and validation of UHPLC-MS/MS methods for determination of neonicotenoid insecticides in royal jelly-based products. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2018, 70: 105-113.
38.S. Valverde, M. Ibáñez, JL Bernal, MJ. Nozal, F. Hernández, J. Bernal. Development and validation ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for determination of neonicotenoid insecticides in honey. Food Chemistry 2018, 266: 215-222.
39.Gil García, MD, Martínez Galera, M., Uclés, S., Lozano, A., Fernández-Alba, A.R. Ultrasound-assisted extraction based on QuEChERS of pesticide residues in honeybees and determination by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2018, 410: 5195-5210.
40.Gómez-Ramos, M.D.M., Gómez Ramos, M.J., Martínez Galera, M., Gil García, M.D., Fernández-Alba, A.R. Analysis and evaluation of (neuro)peptides in honey bees exposed to pesticides in field conditions. Environ. Pollut. 2018, 235: 750-760
41.MD. Hernando, V. Gámiz, S. Gil-Lebrero, I. Rodríguez, AI. García-Valcárcel, V. Cutillas, AR. Fernández-Alba, JM. Flores. Viability of honeybee colonies exposed to sunflowers grown from seeds treated with the neonicotinoids thiamethoxam and clothianidin. Chemosphere 2018, 202: 609-617
42.MM. Gómez-Ramos, S. Ucles, C. Ferrer, AR Fernández-Alba, MD. Hernando. Exploration of environmental contaminants in honeybees using GC-TOF-MS and GC-Orbitrap-MS. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 647:232-244
43.A. Lozano, MD. Hernando, S. Uclés, E. Hakme, AR. Fernández-Alba. Identification and measurement of veterinary drug residues in beehive products. Food Chemistry 2019, 247:61-70
44.Higes M. P. García-Palencia, A. Urbieta. A. Nanetti, R. Martín-Hernández. Tissue tropism of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in experimentally infected worker honey bees. Veterinary Pathology (aceptado, 26 abril 2019)
45.Flores, J.M., Gil-Lebrero, S., Gámiz V., Rodríguez, M.I., Ortiz, M.A., Quiles, F.J. Effect of the climate change on honey bee colonies in a temperate Mediterranean zone assessed through remote hive weight monitoringsystem in conjunction with exhaustive colonies assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 653, 1111–1119
46.Sandra Barroso-Arévalo, Marina Vicente-Rubiano, Francisco Puerta, Fernando Molero and José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno. Immune related genes as markers for monitoring health status of honey bee colonies. BMC veterinary research, 2019. 15(1), 72. doi:10.1186/s12917-019-1823-y)
47. A. Isabel García-Valcárcel, M. T. Martínez-Ferrer, J. M. Campos-Rivela, M. D. Hernando. Analysis of pesticide residues in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and in corbicular pollen. Exposure in citrus orchard with an integrated pest management system. 2019. Aceptado, en publicación
48.MD.Hernando, AR. Fernández-Alba, JL. Bernal, MT. Martínez, J. Serrano, M.Higes JM. Flores, JM. Sánchez-Vizcaíno, MJ. Muñoz, F. Puerta. Holistic evaluation of risk factors in honey bees and wild pollinators. The situation in Spain. EURBEE, Sixth EurBee Congress; 2014; ISBN: 978-888-90738838
49. M. Lainez, Hernando M.D., Alonso J.L. Actions on Registration of Plant Protection Products. Relationship with field trials: a research project example. Aspects of Applied Biology 2016: 132-138. ISSN: 1744-7348
50.Esteso MC; A Toledano-Díaz; C Castaño; M Higes; A López-Goya; J Gimeno-Martínez; J Santiago-Moreno. Effect of catalase supplementation on seminal quality in drones (Apis mellifera). 14 International Congress of AERA. Reproduction in Domestic Animal 52 (Suppl. 4), 85, Barcelona, 2017
51.M. Gurpegui, M. González-Núñez, I. Sánchez-Ramos, AI. García-Valcárcel, C. Ornosa, MD. Hernando. Determination of Insecticide Residues in European Honey Bees: Exposure in Conventional and Organic Cropping Systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Formal Sciences; 2018, ISBN: 9788890970047
52.P. Plaza-Córdoba, AI. García-Valcárcel, MT. Martinez Ferrer, JM. Campos, MD. Hernando. Detection of Pesticide Residues in Honeybees in a Cropping System under Integrated Pest Management. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Formal Sciences; 2018, ISBN: 9788890970047
Participación en congresos /conferences
1.K. P. Yáñez, J. Bernal, M. J. Nozal, J. L. Bernal, M. T. Martín. Trace analysis of spinosad in bee pollen and beeswax by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry. XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques. SECyTA. 2013.
2.R. Martín-Hernández, AV. González-Porto, JL Bernal, M. Higes. A practical example of a multidisciplinary collaborative work to understand the honey bee colony losses: from palynology to bee pathology. 2nd International APLE-APLF 2013.
3.Hernando M.D., Fernández-Alba A.R., Bernal J.L., Martínez M.T., Serrano J., Higes M., Flores J.M., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., Muñoz M.J., Puerta F. Holistic evaluation of risk factors in honey bees and wild pollinators. The situation in Spain. EURBEE, Sixth EurBee Congress 2014.
4.Asensio, I., Carballo, C., Bosch. J. and M.J. Muñoz. Stress and protective factors in the vicinity of colonies related to physiographic diversity of the landscape, anthropogenic infrastructures and climatology. EURBEE. Sixth EurBee Congress, 2014.
5.González Porto A.V., Martín-Hernández R., Pardo Martin C., López-Pérez J.A., Molina-Abril J.A. & Higes M. ¿Son los cultivos de maíz y girasol, en España, un peligro para las abejas?. VII Congreso Apícola Hispánico, 2014.
6.Hernando M.D. Holistic evaluation of risk factors in honey bees and wild pollinators. The situation in Spain. XXXIV Feria Apícola Internacional, 2015.
7.Gil García M.D., Herrera S., Hernando M.D., Parrilla P., Martínez M., Fernández-Alba A.R. Application of LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS methods for assessing pesticide occurrence in bee wax. LAPRW, 5º Congreso Latinoamericano de Residuos de Plaguicidas, 2015.
8.Carballo M., Asensio I., González M., Muñoz M.J. Valoración ambiental de tratamientos contra varroa en colmenas de Apis mellífera. XXI Congreso Español de Toxicología y V Iberoamericano. 2015.
9.Gil García M.D., Hernando Guil M.D., Uclés Duque S., Herrera López S., Martínez Galera M., Parrilla Vázquez P., Fernández-Alba A.R. Pesticide Residues in Bee wax samples by microflow-LC-MS/MS y GC-MS/MS. XX Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica, 2015.
10.S. Herrera-López, S. Uclés-Duque, A.B. Lozano-Fernández, M. García-Valverde, M.D. Gil-Garcia, M.D.Hernando-Guil, M. Martinez-Galera, A.R. Fernández-Alba. Ultrasound-assisted extraction of pesticide residues in honeybees and determinación by microflow-LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS methods. 7th International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS (RAFA), 2015.
11.M. Lainez, Hernando M.D., Alonso J.L. Actions on Registration of Plant Protection Products. Relationship with field trials: a research project example. International Advances in Pesticide Application, 2016
12.Hernando M.D., García-Valcárcel. Química analítica de contaminantes ambientales en abejas melíferas. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2016.
13.Barroso Arévalo, S.; Vicente Rubiano, M.; Ruíz Martínez, JA; Goyache Goñi, Joaquín; Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez, JM. Variabilidad de polen y estado sanitario de las colmenas. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2016.
14.M. Higes, AV. González-Porto, Bernabé García- Villarrubia, JA. López- Jerez, R. Martín-Hernández. Comportamiento de pecorea de las abejas melíferas en diferentes variedades de girasol. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2016.
15.T. Gómez-Moracho, X. Maside, L. Jara, R. Martín-Hernández, P. de la Rúa. M. Higes, C. Bartolomé. Genética de poblaciones de Nosema apis y Nosema ceranae: un hospedador (Apis mellifera) y dos historias diferentes. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2016.
16.M. Buendía-Abad, M. Benito Murcia, C. Ornosa, R. Martín-Hernández, M. Higes. Estudio de patógenos involucrados en el colapso de las colonias de abejas en Castilla-La Mancha. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2016.
17.Herrera-López S., Uclés-Duque S., Lozano-Fernández A.B., García-Valverde M., Gil-García M.D., Hernando-Guil M.D., Martínez-Galera M., Fernández-Alba A.R. Ultrasound-assisted extraction of pesticide residues in honeybees and determination by microflow-LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS methods. 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis. 2016
18.Ornosa C., Sánchez-Ramos I., Cobo A, González-Núñez M. Abundancia y diversidad de polinizadores apoideos (Hymenoptera,Apoidea) en melocotonero (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) y albaricoquero (Prunus armeniaca L.). Cultivo ecológico vs. convencional. XVII Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia. 2016
19.Cepero A., Martín R.,Bartolome C., Gomez T., Barrios L., Bernal J., Nozal M.J., Bernal J.L., Meana A., Higes M. Epìdemiological surveillance in Spain: pathogens as risks factors for honey bee colony collapse. EURBEE 7. 2016.
20.Sagastume de Andrés S., Martín-Hernández R., Henriques-GilN., Higes Pascual M. Behavior of the microsporidium Nosema ceranae in experimental infections: the effect of low temperature in the viability of different spore populations. EURBEE 7. 2016.
21.M. Benito, C. Ornosa, M. Higes, R. Martín-Hernández, P. de la Rúa. Microsporidia prevalence un bumble bee species from Spain. EURBEE 7. 2016.
22.Urbieta-Magro A., Higes M., Meana A., Martín-Hernández R. The interaction between Nosema ceranae and organophophorates on honeybees of Spain. EURBEE 7. 2016.
23.Higes Pascual M., Gonzalez Porto A.V., Garcia-Villarubia C., López Pérez A., Pardo Martín C., Martín-Hernández R. Foraging behavior of honey bees in different sunflower varieties. EURBEE 7. 2016.
24.P. García Palencia, R. Martín-Hernández, A. Meana, M. Higes. Tissue tropism of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in Apis mellifera. EURBEE 7. 2016.
25.M- Higes, C. Rodríguez-García, T. Gomez Moracho, A. Meana, C. Bartolomé, X. Maxide, L. Barrios, R. Martín-Hernández. Survival of honey bees (Apis mellifera) infected with Crithidia mellificae (Langridge and McGhee: ATCC30254TM) in the presence of Nosema ceranae. EURBEE 7. 2016.
26.M- Higes, R. Martín-Hernández. Prevalence of the main pathogens of honey bees determined by passive laboratory survillance. EURBEE 7. 2016.
27.Carballo M., Asensio I., González M. y Muñoz M.J. Variables de calidad ambiental y sistemas de información geográfica en la sanidad ambiental de colmenares. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016
28.Sánchez, V.; Quiles, F.J.; Luna, J.J.; Gil, S.; Gámiz V.; Flores, J.M. Sistema de monitorización de las condiciones climáticas de las colmenas de abejas utilizando arduino. XXIII Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación. 2016.
29.Flores A., Gámiz V., Gil S., Flores J.M. Efecto del número de abejas para su uso en investigación. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016.
30.Flores A., Gámiz V., Gil S., Flores J.M. Efecto producido por el uso de feromonas reales para su uso en investigación. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016
31.Flores A., Gámiz V., Gil S., Flores J.M. Efecto de la sedación de abejas con CO2 para su uso en investigación. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016
32.Flores A., Gámiz V., Gil S., Flores J.M. Efecto de la alimentación sobre las abejas para su uso en investigación. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016
33.Flores A., Gámiz V., Gil S., Flores J.M. Efecto de la temperatura en el mantenimiento de las abejas para su uso en investigación. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016.
34.Gil S., Gámiz V., Flores J.M., Campano F., Padilla F., Flores J.M. Estudio de la influencia del uso de fondos sanitarios en las colonias de abejas durante la invernada. VIII Congreso Nacional de Apicultura. 2016
35.Blasco N., De la Rúa P. Revisión de los efectos de Nosema ceranae en el sistema inmunitario de Apis mellifera. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura. 2016.
36.Jara L., Ruiz C., De la Rúa P., Serrano J. Efecto de la trashumancia en la dispersión de Varroa destructor en colonias de abeja ibérica. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, Salamanca. 2016.
37.Serrano J., Jara L., Ruiz C., De la Rúa P. La trashumancia de las colmenas: luces y sombras de una práctica tradicional. IV Congreso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2016.
38.Jara L., García-Valero A., Franco P., Muñoz I., Ruiz C., Serrano J., De la Rúa P. Effect of transhumance on the prevalence of Varroa destructor and the colonies genetic diversity in Iberian honeybees. 7th European Conference of Apidology. 2016
39.Hernando M.D., Gómez M.M., García-Valcárcel A.I., Herrera López S., Fernández-Alba A.R. Screening of contaminants and pesticide residues in bees and hive matrices by high resolution mass spectrometry. 9th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment; 15th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides. 2016.
40.Martínez MT. Field studies to evaluate residues of neonicotinoids and other pesticides used in citrus and apple orchards related to bees and other pollinators: foliar treatment”. Effects of pesticide us on the development of bee diseases. BEE FORUM, 2016.
41.Hernando M.D. and Gil S. Effects of pesticide use on the development of bee diseases, analytical and ecotoxicological threats and challenges. Case study in sunflower crop. BEE FORUM, 2016.
42.V. Cutillas, S. herrera-Lopez, A.B. Lozano, M.D. Gil-García and A.R Fernandez-Alba. Validation of an ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of pesticide residues in honey bees and determination in real samples by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS methods. 9th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment; 15th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides. Pesticides 2016
43.S. Uclés, P. Parrilla Vázquez, A. Lozano, M. M. Gómez Ramos, A. R. Fernández-Alba. A sensitive and efficient method for routine pesticide multiresidue analysis in bee pollen samples using gas and liquid chromatrography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. XV reunion GRASECA 2016.
44.L. Jara, R. Martín-Hernández, M. Higes, J. Serrano, P. de la Rúa. Diversidad genética en colonias Apis mellifera iberiensis en relación con la prevalencia de Nosema ceranae. V Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva. 2016.
45.S. Valverde, M. Ibáñez, JL. Bernal, MJ. Nozal, F. Hernández, J. Bernal. Trace level determination of neonicotenoid insecticides in honey by UHPLC-MS/MS. 15 Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental. 2017.
46.S. Valverde, AM. Ares, M. Arribas, JL. Bernal, MJ. Nozal, J. Bernal. A multiresidue DLLME and SPE based UHPLC-QTOF method for determining neonicotenoids in royal jelly. 15 Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental. 2017.
47.Barroso Arévalo, S.; Vicente Rubiano, M.; Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez, JM. Immune system: an essential approach to study infectious diseases in honey bee colonies. Epizone 11th annual meeting, 2017.
48.AV. González Porto, M. Higes. JA. López- Pérez, R. Martín-Hernández, JA. Molina-Abril, C. García-Villarubia, C. Pardo-Martín. Feeding and farming practices in honey bee colonies. Mediterranean Palynology APLE-GPPSBI-APLF Symposium. MedPalyno 2017.
49.M. Higes, JL. Bernal, J. Bernal, M. Llorens, A. Meana, A. Urbieta, AV. González-Porto, A. Alonso, E. Alonso-Prados, R. Martín-Hernández. Chronic stress induced by pesticide residues and parasites in honey bee colonies. XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Parasitología SOCEPA 2017 y XV Meeting del European Veterinary Parasitology College, 2017.
50.M. Buendia, R. Martín-Hernández, C. Ornosa, L. Barrios, C. Bartolomé, A. Meana, M. Higes. A pan-European epidemiological study of honey bee pathogens. The results of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Parasitología SOCEPA 2017 y XV Meeting del European Veterinary Parasitology College, 2017.
51.A.Urbieta-Magro, M. Higes, A. Meana, R. Martín-Hernández. Nosema ceranae and organophosphates interactions in Western honey bee in Spain. XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Parasitología SOCEPA 2017 y XV Meeting del European Veterinary Parasitology College, 2017.
52.A.Urbieta-Magro, M. Higes, A. Meana, R. Martín-Hernández. Monitoring the infection levels of Apis mellifera iberiensis larvae and pupae by Nosema ceranae in naurally infected colonies in Spain. . XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Parasitología SOCEPA 2017 y XV Meeting del European Veterinary Parasitology College, 2017.
53.Martínez-Ferrer, M.T.; García Valcárcel, A.I.; Campos-Rivela, J.M.; Fibla, J.M.; Hernando Guil, M.D. Aplicación foliar de neonicotinoides para el control de plagas en cítricos: presencia de residuos en el polen y el néctar de sus flores. Sociedad Española de Entomología Aplicada. X Congreso Nacional de Entomología Aplicada. XVI Jornadas Científicas de la SEEA. 2017.
54.Hernando MD, Gómez M.M, Herrera S. and Fernández-Alba AR. Screening of contaminants in bees and hive matrices by mass spectrometry based approaches. 16th International conference on Chemistry and the environment. 2017.
55.Gómez Ramos M.M., García-Valcárcel A.I., Fernández-Alba A.R and Hernando M.D. Screening of environmental contaminants in honey bee wax comb using gas chromatography-high resolution time-of-flight mass Spectrometry. Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop, LAPRW2017. 2017.
56.V. Cutillas, FJ. Díaz-Galiano, S. Uclés, MD. Hernando, A. Escudero, A. R. Fernández-Alba. Determining pesticide residues in exposure vías for bees in a semi-field study. International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS RAFA 2017.
57.MM. Gómez Ramos, MJ. Gómez Ramos, MD Gil García, M. Martínez Galera, S. Uclés, A. R. Fernández-Alba. Target and non-target analysis of neuro(peptides) in honey bees to provide insights into the effects of pesticide exposure. International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS. RAFA 2017.
58.Esteso MC; A Toledano-Díaz; C Castaño; M Higes; A López-Goya; J Gimeno-Martínez; J Santiago-Moreno. Effect of catalase supplementation on seminal quality in drones (Apis mellifera). 14 International Congress of AERA. 2017.
59. Carballo, M. González, M., Asensio I, Muñoz MJ. Valoración de riesgo de pesticidas en cera para la abeja (Apis mellifera). Jornadas Científicas de Toxicología Ambiental y Ecotoxicología (ToxEcoTox) 2017.
60. Carballo M, González M, Bosch J, De la Torre A. Valoración de compuestos químicos en cera y toxicidad para la abeja melífera (Apis mellifera). XXII Congreso Español de Toxicología y VI Iberoamericano. 2017.
61. Castaño C, Adolfo Toledano Díaz, Marina Elcano Delgado, Julián Santiago Moreno, Mariano Higes Pascual, Milagros C. Esteso Díez. Efectos de diferentes tóxicos sobre las características morfométricas del espermatozoide en el zángano (Apis mellifera). IX Congreso Nacional de Apicultura, 2018.
62. Toledano-Díaz A, van Schendel Erice, G, Castaño C, Santiago Moreno J, Higes Pascual M, López-Goya A, Gimeno-Martínez J, de la Rúa Tarín, Serrano Marino J, Esteso Díez MC. Análisis morfométrico computerizado de la cabeza del espermatozoide de zángano (Apis mellifera) IX Congreso Nacional de Apicultura, 2018.
63.M. Higes, C. García-Villarubia, A. González-Porto, A. López-Pérez, A. Urbieta, E. Alonso-Prados, JL. Bernal, J. Bernal, MJ. Del Nozal, R. Martín-Hernández. Does thiametoxan seed-treated oilseed rape have an impact on honey bee mortality?. 8th Congress of Apidology. EurBee 8. 2018.
64.C. Rodríguez-García, JD. Evans, B. Branchiccela, MC. Heerman, O. Banmekea, M. Hamilton, M. Higes, R. Martínez-Hernández, YP Chen. Nosemosis in European honey bees Apis mellifera by silencing the gene encoding Nosema ceranae polar tube protein 3. 8th Congress of Apidology. EurBee 8. 2018.
65.M. Higes, A. Urbieta, A. González-Porto, JL. Bernal, J. Bernal, E. Alonso-Prados, R. Martín-Hernández. Chronic stress induced by acaricide residues and pathogens. A case study. 8th Congress of Apidology. EurBee 8. 2018.
66.MD. Hernando, MM. Gómez-Ramos, AR.Fernández-Alba. Screening of environmental contaminants in honeybees and beeswax using gas chromatography-high resolution mass Spectrometry. 10th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment & 16th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides & 10th MGPR International Symposium of Pesticides in Food & the Environment in Mediterranean Countries. 2018.
67.M. Gurpegui, M. González-Núñez, I. Sánchez-Ramos, AI. García-Valcárcel, MD. Hernando. Screening of pesticide residues in European honeybees captured in peach and apricot orchards, both in conventional and organic management systems: A three-year field study. 10th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment & 16th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides & 10th MGPR International Symposium of Pesticides in Food & the Environment in Mediterranean Countries. Bologna, Italy, 2018. Trabajo Galardonado con el Primer Premio.
68.P. Plaza Córdoba, AI. García-Valcárcel, MT. Martínez Ferrer, JM. Campos, MD. Hernando. Determining neonicotinoid residues in exposure vias for bees in citrus. A three year period field-study. 10th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment & 16th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides & 10th MGPR International Symposium of Pesticides in Food & the Environment in Mediterranean Countries. 2018.
69.JM. Flores, V. Gámiz, S. Gil-Lebrero, I. Rodríguez, AI. García-Valcárcel, MD. Hernando. Evolución de colmenas de abejas expuestas a girasol tratado con los neonicotinoides tiametoxam y clotianidina. IX Congreso Nacional de Apicultura, 2018.
70.M.D. Hernando. Identification and measurement of veterinary drug residues in beehive products. Food Safety Analysis. 2018.
71.M. Gurpegui, M. González-Núñez, I. Sánchez-Ramos, AI. García-Valcárcel, C. Ornosa, MD. Hernando. Determination of Insecticide Residues in European Honey Bees: Exposure in Conventional and Organic Cropping Systems. 4th International Conference on Engineering and Formal Sciences. 2018.
72.P. Plaza Córdoba, AI. García-Valcárcel, MT. Martínez Ferrer, JM. Campos, MD. Hernando. Detection of Pesticide Residues in Honeybees in a Cropping System under Integrated Pest Management. 4th International Conference on Engineering and Formal Sciences. 2018.
73.M.D. Hernando. Evaluation of pesticide residues in honey bees and beehive products. Monitoring in Spain. Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop, LAPRW 2019.
La conservación de la abundancia y diversidad de los polinizadores y de los servicios ecosistémicos, supone una contribución decisiva para la moderación de impactos negativos, que su déficit puede provocar sobre la agricultura, la producción y la seguridad alimentaria, la sostenibilidad medioambiental y los ecosistemas.
Las poblaciones de abejas melíferas de las explotaciones apícolas, con un valor de producción de 15.000 millones € anuales en la UE, y utilizadas también para proporcionar sistemas de polinización en régimen de gestión, se enfrentan igualmente a crecientes amenazas de plagas y enfermedades, registrándose aún un retroceso en el número de colonias de abejas tanto en la UE como en otras partes del mundo.
En términos económicos, y en un sector, también clave, como la agricultura en la UE, la estimación realizada sobre valor de la polinización se situaría en 22.000 millones € anuales, y 3.292 millones € anuales, en España. Son varios los factores identificados como causas de la disminución de abejas y otros polinizadores, incluyendo la expansión de agentes patógenos, el mal uso de fitosanitarios, o los contaminantes ambientales, a parte de otros factores como la pérdida de hábitats y fragmentación, especies invasoras o el cambio climático.
The conservation of pollinator abundance and diversity, together with ecosystem services, contribute decisively in moderating any negative impacts their deficit may provoke in agriculture, food production and security, environmental sustainability and ecosystems.
The honey bee population in apiaries, which has an annual production value in the EU of 15€ billion, and which is used to provide pollination system management, is facing growing threats from pests and diseases; and declines in bee colony numbers are still being registered as much in the EU as in other parts of the world.
In economic terms, given that agriculture is such a key sector in the EU, the estimated value of pollination is around 22€ billion annually, of which 3,292€ million is in Spain. Various factors have been identified in causing the reduction in bee and other pollinators including an expansion of pathogens, the incorrect use of phytosanitary products and/or environmental contaminants, along with other factors such as loss or fragmentation of habitat, invasive species and/or climate change.
Palabras Clave / Keywords
- Abejas meliferas
- polinizadores
- Pesticidas
- patógenos
- nutrición
- diversidad genética
- medioambiente
- Honey Bees
- pollinators
- pesticides
- pathogens
- Nutrition
- genetic diversity
- Enviroment