Elements with tag gt5

FR Lettre Conjointe EP ETF LDAC pour la FAO_Aspects_Travail_Peche_Fevrier2019
Size: 151.95 Kb
FR_ Rapport Synthese Réunion LDAC Europeche_Bruxelles_Décembre2018
Pages: 6
Size: 657.33 Kb
International ocean governance: looking back at two years of firm action - Maritime Affairs - Europe
International ocean governance: looking back at two years of firm action
Reply to LDAC Recommendations on EU Role on International Fisheries Governance Jan2019
Pages: 3
Size: 187.42 Kb

ES Carta Conjunta EP ETF LDAC a la FAO_Aspectos_Laborales_Pesca_Febrero2019
Size: 152.29 Kb
International ocean governance: looking back at two years of firm action - Maritime Affairs - Europe
International ocean governance: looking back at two years of firm action
Reply to LDAC Recommendations on EU Role on International Fisheries Governance Jan2019
Pages: 3
Size: 187.42 Kb
Borrador carta LDAC implementación EU SMEFF Regulation_Marzo 2019
Pages: 2
Size: 520.00 Kb

Pages: 1
Size: 178.31 Kb
Report of EC Workshop on EU Review of Fisheries Control System_20171116_en
Pages: 16
Size: 81.56 Kb
Trade policy and you - Publications - Documents archive
The EU Trade search engine looks up documents in PDF format archived on the EU trade website.
Fisheries Control System
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Union control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of...
GT5_FR PROJET Note Discussion LDAC Gouvernance Internationale Peche_Fev2018
Pages: 5
Size: 72.24 Kb
WWF Summary & Recommendations - Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Size: 2.20 Mb

Trade policy and you - Publications - Documents archive
The EU Trade search engine looks up documents in PDF format archived on the EU trade website.
Pages: 1
Size: 178.31 Kb
Fisheries Control System
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Union control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of...
Report of EC Workshop on EU Review of Fisheries Control System_20171116_en
Pages: 16
Size: 81.56 Kb
GT5_ES BORRADOR Nota Conceptual LDAC Gobernanza Pesquera Internacional_Feb2018
Pages: 5
Size: 84.08 Kb
WWF summary & recommendations- Is Europe ready to lead on International Fisheries Governance
Size: 2.20 Mb

WWF Summary & Recommendations - Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Pages: 4
Size: 2.20 Mb
WWF REPORT 2017 Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Pages: 40
Size: 3.69 Mb
Les engagements de Our Ocean | Our Ocean 2017
Au cours des dernières décennies, nos environnements marins se sont largement détériorés. S’il veut inverser cette tendance, le monde doit s’engager à agir de manière durable et à investir dans des solutions innovantes. Organisées depuis 2014, les conférences Our Ocean ont pour but de mener ces engagements.
Economic partnerships - Trade - European Commission
Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) are being negotiated with African, Caribbean and Pacific regions engaged in a regional economic integration process
Legislative train schedule | European Parliament
The European Parliament's legislative train schedule monitors the progress of legislative files identified in the 10 priorities of the European Commission
FR Avis LDAC Role AECP EFCA Dimension Internationale PCP_27Octobre2017
Pages: 8
Size: 835.13 Kb
farfish – Improving knowledge on and management of EU fisheries outside Europe
FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, compatible with Maximum Sustainable Yield. To achieve this, FarFish will develop practical, achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools and advice which can be applied immediately. The work will be done in collaboration of scientists, policy makers, resource users and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences. FarFish will provide a better knowledge base of these fisheries and encourage resource users to actively take part in the management, thus empowering them, generating a sense of ownership and enhancing compliance.
Fisheries Control System
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Union control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of...
General Assembly resolutions and decisions
A/RES/71/123- Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments
Expert opinion backs NGO’s solution for tackling IUU fishing - IUU Watch
Author: Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) Experts in EU and WTO law have concluded that introducing compulsory identifying numbers for non-EU fishing vessels exporting seafood to the EU is compatible with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules. In light of this, environmental organisations are calling for the European Commission to reconsider their approach. Currently, EU fishing vessels …
FR Opinion Conjointe LDAC-MAC-MEDAC sur Reglement INN-IUU_9Juin2017
Pages: 6
Size: 502.07 Kb

WWF Summary & Recommendations - Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Pages: 4
Size: 2.20 Mb
WWF REPORT 2017 Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Pages: 40
Size: 3.69 Mb
Our Ocean Commitments | Our Ocean 2017
With 100 commitments from the corporate sector, the 2017 conference for the first time mobilised at scale the business community in ocean conservation. The EU's 36 commitments alone amounted to over EUR 550 million, and together with its Member States and the European Investment Bank, the total EU pledge exceeded EUR 2.8 billion. Other countries, NGOs, foundations, research institutes and international organisations tabled nearly 300 commitments in a truly global show of determination to act. Altogether, almost doubling the amount pledged since 2014, substantially increasing the world's marine protected areas and launching impactful action in all corners of our ocean.
Economic partnerships - Trade - European Commission
Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) are being negotiated with African, Caribbean and Pacific regions engaged in a regional economic integration process
Legislative train schedule | European Parliament
The European Parliament's legislative train schedule monitors the progress of legislative files identified in the 10 priorities of the European Commission
EN LDAC Opinion on EFCA Role on International Dimension of CFP_27October2017
Pages: 8
Size: 627.67 Kb
farfish – Improving knowledge on and management of EU fisheries outside Europe
FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, compatible with Maximum Sustainable Yield. To achieve this, FarFish will develop practical, achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools and advice which can be applied immediately. The work will be done in collaboration of scientists, policy makers, resource users and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences. FarFish will provide a better knowledge base of these fisheries and encourage resource users to actively take part in the management, thus empowering them, generating a sense of ownership and enhancing compliance.
Fisheries Control System
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Union control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of...
General Assembly resolutions and decisions
A/RES/71/123- Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments
Expert opinion backs NGO’s solution for tackling IUU fishing - IUU Watch
Author: Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) Experts in EU and WTO law have concluded that introducing compulsory identifying numbers for non-EU fishing vessels exporting seafood to the EU is compatible with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules. In light of this, environmental organisations are calling for the European Commission to reconsider their approach. Currently, EU fishing vessels …

WWF Summary & Recommendations - Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Pages: 4
Size: 2.20 Mb
WWF REPORT 2017 Is Europe Ready To Lead On International Fisheries Governance
Pages: 40
Size: 3.69 Mb
Economic partnerships - Trade - European Commission
Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) are being negotiated with African, Caribbean and Pacific regions engaged in a regional economic integration process
Compromisos de Our Ocean | Our Ocean 2017
With 100 commitments from the corporate sector, the 2017 conference for the first time mobilised at scale the business community in ocean conservation. The EU's 36 commitments alone amounted to over EUR 550 million, and together with its Member States and the European Investment Bank, the total EU pledge exceeded EUR 2.8 billion. Other countries, NGOs, foundations, research institutes and international organisations tabled nearly 300 commitments in a truly global show of determination to act. Altogether, almost doubling the amount pledged since 2014, substantially increasing the world's marine protected areas and launching impactful action in all corners of our ocean.
Legislative train schedule | European Parliament
The European Parliament's legislative train schedule monitors the progress of legislative files identified in the 10 priorities of the European Commission
ES Dictamen LDAC Papel AECP EFCA en Dimension Internacional PCP_27Octubre2017
Size: 751.11 Kb
farfish – Improving knowledge on and management of EU fisheries outside Europe
FarFish aims to provide knowledge, tools and methods to support responsible, sustainable and profitable EU fisheries outside European waters, compatible with Maximum Sustainable Yield. To achieve this, FarFish will develop practical, achievable and cost-effective fisheries management tools and advice which can be applied immediately. The work will be done in collaboration of scientists, policy makers, resource users and other stakeholders aimed to improve fisheries management competences. FarFish will provide a better knowledge base of these fisheries and encourage resource users to actively take part in the management, thus empowering them, generating a sense of ownership and enhancing compliance.
Fisheries Control System
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Union control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of...
General Assembly resolutions and decisions
A/RES/71/123- Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments
Expert opinion backs NGO’s solution for tackling IUU fishing - IUU Watch
Author: Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) Experts in EU and WTO law have concluded that introducing compulsory identifying numbers for non-EU fishing vessels exporting seafood to the EU is compatible with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules. In light of this, environmental organisations are calling for the European Commission to reconsider their approach. Currently, EU fishing vessels …
ES Opinión Conjunta LDAC-MAC-MEDAC Aplicación Rglmto INDNR-IUU_9Junio2017
Pages: 5
Size: 621.49 Kb

Commission reply LDAC advice on the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) R.11.2016.WG5
Size: 100.32 Kb
EN LDAC Opinion on Improving Application of IUU Regulation_24Nov2016
Pages: 3
Size: 242.85 Kb