Brittni Garrido

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Dec 26, 2019 at 10:31

"Andrew, hurry up we're going to be late!" Kelsie called back over her shoulder. I walked quickly down the dark street, breaking into a jog as I struggled to catch up to Kelsie's quickly disappearing form. As I ran, I glanced down at my bare feet quizzically, realizing I had forgotten shoes in my haste to get out the door. Where was Kelsie going? I ran faster, confused but now desperate to get to my girlfriend. Suddenly I heard the blare of a horn approaching from my right, turning and bracing myself for the impact of an onrushing vehicle that never came. *Beep beep* *Beep beep* Kelsie's alarm chirped again as I swam from the depths of sleep, my heart...

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