Elements with tag legume

Nov 11, 2012 at 09:22

The theme of the conference is “Towards a new classification system”, but lectures focusing on a broad range of topics are welcome. The following themes have been identified, but suggestions for additional ones are welcome:

Phylogeny and classification of Caesalpinioideae

Phylogeny and classification of Mimosoideae

Phylogeny and classification of Papilionoideae

Anatomy and morphology of legumes

Biogeography of legumes

Chemosystematics of legumes

Economically important legumes

Genetics and genomics

Plant-soil interactions

Invasive legumes

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes for full presentations (full papers) or five minutes for flash presentations (short papers and posters). Each symposium will end with 15 minutes discussion time. A poster session (with no formal presentations) will be scheduled. All relevant papers will be accepted but you may be required to convert your lecture to a five minute flash presentation.

Oral presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint 2010 and posters in an A1 portrait format.

All posters and PowerPoint slides for presentations must be prepared in English, but talks may be presented in any language of your preference. We would ,however , like to urge delegates to conduct their lectures (PowerPoint presentation and accompanying talk) in English.

Abstracts must be submitted by email to jboatwright@uwc.ac.za. The closing date for submission of abstracts is 31 October 2012. A guide for preparing abstracts can be found on the website.

Special sessions and workshops can be arranged. Please contact the organizers at mmleroux@uj.ac.za.

The next volume of “Advances in Legume Systematics” will be published as a special edition of the South African Journal of Botany (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/south-african-journal-of-botany/), edited by Prof. Ben-Erik van Wyk and Dr Stephen Boatwright as guest editors. All manuscripts must be submitted online through the Elsevier Editorial System of the journal (http://ees.elsevier.com/sajb/) before 31 March 2013.

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