The Chair of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fisheries , Cor Blonk, addressed the pressing challenges and opportunities facing the sector during the "Fishers of the Future " conference. A study that examines the future role of fishers in society up to 2050. As part of the expert panel, Mr Blonk, emphasized the indispensable contributions of fishers and vessel owners in ensuring Europe’s food self-sufficiency and supporting coastal communities. He called for urgent, coordinated action from policymakers to secure the fleet’s future, with a strong focus on the social dimension, to support a thriving and resilient fishing industry able to offer quality and safe jobs.
Europêche, the leading trade body representing the European fishing industry, warmly welcomes the nomination of Costas Kadis as the new Commissioner-designate for Fisheries and Oceans. Europêche is eager to work closely with Mr. Kadis to ensure the industry remains sustainable, competitive, and resilient. Europêche is particularly keen to collaborate on ensuring a level playing field for the entire fisheries chain, safeguarding EU’s food sovereignty and providing vital support to coastal communities across the Union.
The Chair of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fisheries , Cor Blonk, addressed the pressing challenges and opportunities facing the sector during the "Fishers of the Future " conference. A study that examines the future role of fishers in society up to 2050. As part of the expert panel, Mr Blonk, emphasized the indispensable contributions of fishers and vessel owners in ensuring Europe’s food self-sufficiency and supporting coastal communities. He called for urgent, coordinated action from policymakers to secure the fleet’s future, with a strong focus on the social dimension, to support a thriving and resilient fishing industry able to offer quality and safe jobs.