The Chair of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fisheries , Cor Blonk, addressed the pressing challenges and opportunities facing the sector during the "Fishers of the Future " conference. A study that examines the future role of fishers in society up to 2050. As part of the expert panel, Mr Blonk, emphasized the indispensable contributions of fishers and vessel owners in ensuring Europe’s food self-sufficiency and supporting coastal communities. He called for urgent, coordinated action from policymakers to secure the fleet’s future, with a strong focus on the social dimension, to support a thriving and resilient fishing industry able to offer quality and safe jobs.
The new joint project of the European social partners for sea fisheries (Europêche and ETF) has kicked off today in Amsterdam. Following a selection process, Europêche and ETF will count with the participation of specialists to develop a wide range of studies for a safer, healthier and more worker-friendly fisheries sector in Europe and worldwide. The action will focus on trade measures to combat forced labour, develop guidelines on recruitment of migrant fishers, develop a training programme for medical examination of fishers and update a mobile app to facilitate communication on fishing vessels (FisherySpeak).
European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and Europêche have published new Guidelines on the medical examinations of fishers, paving the way for the harmonisation of standards for health and fitness checks across Europe and worldwide.
European social partners in the fisheries sector, ETF and Europêche, call on the European Commission to support Member States in developing a specific COVID-19 vaccination protocol for fishers, adapting and prioritizing their access to the vaccine. Considering their recognition as essential workers and the particularities of the fishers' workplaces and working patterns, the social partners have put forward practical guidelines that can help accelerate the process.
The European Social Partners in the Sea Fisheries Sector (ETF and Europêche) were proud to host yesterday a webinar on the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (C188) considering its value in ensuring effective protection of the rights of fishers at global level. The event was successfully organised in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), the European Commission and representatives of important fishing nations such as France, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom. High-ranked panellists widely called for the ratification and implementation of the ILO C188 and its EU equivalent, EU Directive 2017/159, by addressing the barriers and the benefits of implementing the social standards established in the C188 for the protection of workers.
The Chair of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fisheries , Cor Blonk, addressed the pressing challenges and opportunities facing the sector during the "Fishers of the Future " conference. A study that examines the future role of fishers in society up to 2050. As part of the expert panel, Mr Blonk, emphasized the indispensable contributions of fishers and vessel owners in ensuring Europe’s food self-sufficiency and supporting coastal communities. He called for urgent, coordinated action from policymakers to secure the fleet’s future, with a strong focus on the social dimension, to support a thriving and resilient fishing industry able to offer quality and safe jobs.