Elements with tag egg

Mar 21, 2013 at 03:40

The programme for IEC Madrid is now complete and will feature presentations from five World Class speakers.

Prof. David Hughes: Can eggs and egg products exploit declining red meat consumption in developed countries

Dr. Vincent Covello: Crisis Communications

Dr Alejandro Thiermann: Global Animal Health Challenges

Prof. Louise Fresco: Sustainable Development and Efficiency

Conference Programme

Sunday 07 April 2013

10:30 AM Executive Meeting (Cortes Suite, Board Members only)

13:00 PM Registration Opens (Main lobby, next to Concierge)

14:00 PM CSR Working Group (Cortes Suite, Working Group Members only)

16:00 PM Membership Meeting (Cortes Suite, Committee Members and Ambassadors)

18:00 PM Chairman's Welcome Reception Venue: The Westin Palace Hotel, Madrid. (The Neptuno Ballroom)

Monday 08 April 2013

07:30 AM Registration Opens (Medinaceli Ballroom Foyer)

08:00 AM Production & Trade Committee Meeting. Including presentation by Dr Vincent Guyonnet (Cortes Suite, observers welcome)

09:30 AM Conference Opening by IEC Chairman, Joanne Ivy (Medinaceli Ballroom)

09:40 AM Marketing Conference Session

09:40 AM Speaker: Professor David Hughes "Taking on the big boys: can eggs and egg products exploit declining red meat consumption in developed countries"

10:10 AM Speaker: Dr Vincent Covello, Center for Risk Communication "The Artful Application of Crisis Communications"

10:50 AM Coffee Break

11:30 AM Speaker: Dr Vincent Covello, Center for Risk Communication "The Artful Application of Crisis Communications" Continued

12:30 PM Speaker: Dr Mitch Kanter, Egg Nutrition Center "The International Egg Nutrition Consortium: Where to from here"

12:45 PM Lunch (Neptuno Ballroom)

14:15 PM Production & Trade Conference Session (Medinaceli Ballroom)

14:15 PM Speaker: Dr Alejando Thiermann, OIE "Poultry Animal Health Challenges in a Globalised World"

15:00 PM Speaker: Dr Tjeerd Kimman "Avian Influenza: 10 years later"

15:30 PM Invited: Director General of Agriculture, Production & Marketing "Ten Key Questions for the Future of the Egg Industry"

16:00 PM Coffee Break

16:20 PM Marketing Committee Meeting Including Crisis Communication Workshop (Cortes Suite, observers welcome)

Tuesday 09 April 2013

08:00 AM EPI Committee Meeting (Cortes Suite, observers welcome)

08:00 AM Economics Committee Meeting (Canovas Room, observers welcome)

09:30 AM EPI Conference Session (Medinaceli Ballroom)

09:30 AM Speaker: To Be Confirmed

10:10 AM Speaker: Maria del Mar Fernandez, Inprovo "Positives from the EU Experience on Enriched Cages"

10:35 AM Coffee Break

11:20 AM Speaker: Prof. Hans-Wilhelm Windhorst, IEC Statisical Analyst "The Globalisation of Egg Production and Egg Trade"

11:35 AM Speaker: Tim Lambert, Egg Farmers of Canada The Future of Multi-Lateral and Bi-Lateral Trade Agreements"

12:00 PM Technical Innovations Session

12:05 PM Speaker: Fabien de Meester, DMF "Future of Protein Modification and the use of Enzymes"

12:15 PM Speaker: Arjen Sein, DSM Food Specialities "The Role of Enzymes in Food Processing"

12:25 PM Speaker: Joss Delves-Broughton, DuPont Nutrition and Health "Nisin - Advantages for use in liquid and powdered products"

12:35 PM IEC Cape Town 2013 Conference Promotion by Kevin Lovell, SAPA

12:40 PM Lunch (Neptuno Ballroom)

14:30 PM Economics Conference Session (Medinaceli Ballroom)

14:35 PM Speaker: Prof.Dr.Ir Louise Fresco "Sustainable Intensification"

15:15 PM Speaker: European Commission - Unit of Sustainable Production and Consumption "Lowering Emissions in the Egg Industry: Best Available Techniques"

15:45 PM Speaker: Cesar de Anda "Developments & Insights from Mexico"

16:00 PM Formal Closing

16:15 PM Coffee Break

19:15 PM Pre-Dinner Drinks (La Rotonda)

20:00 PM Gala Banquet Medinaceli Ballroom (Dress: Business Suit)

Palace Hotel, madrid
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