Elements with tag long distance advisory council

Nov 03, 2014 at 04:21

The Side Event will adress these issues trough three short presentations, followed by a question-answer session. Attendees will also be able to discuss these issues with the presentrs ans sponsors during the event while enjoying refreshments and snacks. The presentations will cover the following topics:

Remarks on the importance of MCS for ICCAT fishieries

Stefaan Depypere, ICCAT Chair.

The GEF/ABNJ Tuna Project's MCS activities.

Alejandro Anganuzzi, Common Oceans/ABNJ Tuna Project

Incresing Transparency in fishing agreements.

Julio Morón-Ayala, LDAC

Opportunities for improved data collection and mornitoring through electronic reporting and electronic monitoring.

Victor Restrepo, ISSF.


Pages: 1

Size: 783.59 Kb

MELIA Genova, vía Corsica 4 16128 Genova
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