Elements with tag tuna freezer purse-seine

Jul 14, 2022 at 04:00

The control rule on margin of tolerance is currently incompatible with the conditions and specificities inherent to the fishing operations in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery. Crushed by heavy sanctions, EU tuna vessels operating in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans might disappear in the very near future.

EP Press Release - Europeche MoT sanctions_FINAL[57]

Pages: 2

Size: 137.51 Kb

Apr 11, 2022 at 19:36

Europêche, the leading trade body representing the fishing industry in Europe, strengthens its team to boost the organisation’s support for sustainable tuna fishing and to promote the voice of the sector in wider EU and international decision making. Newly founded Europêche’s tuna group will advocate the interests of the EU and associated tuna freezer purse-seine fleet to enhance business competitiveness, improve the image of the sector, contribute to sustainable ocean governance, support the fight against IUU and labour abuse, and achieve an international level playing field.

EP24 Press release Appointment Tuna Group Director

Pages: 2

Size: 201.59 Kb

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