Elements with tag Machado

Sep 17, 2018 at 03:46

Europêche has welcomed the clear message from the scientific community and DG MARE Director General, Mr Aguiar Machado, at Friday's “Scientific Seminar on Fisheries Science” organised by the European Commission. The scientific data presented evidenced in the North East Atlantic a drastic reduction in fishing pressure which is now stabilizing at sustainable levels. As a consequence, overexploited stocks decreased by 43% in the last decade and the proportion of stocks outside safe biological limits dropped by more than half during the same period. Fish populations have been generally increasing, reaching in 2016 biomass levels 39% higher than in 2003. The seminar also reviewed fisheries science challenges such as integrating socio-economic advice, multispecies management transition, climate change consequences and insufficient data processing.

EP53 Press Release on Seminar on the State of stocks

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Feb 22, 2018 at 09:03

Mr Aguiar Machado, Director General of the Directorate-General for Fisheries in the European Commission (DG MARE), met today with a delegation of fishing representatives from Europêche to discuss industry’s concerns relating to recent political and legislative developments at European and international level. Both Mr Machado and Europêche positively valued the good results in achieving sustainable fisheries, leading to healthier stocks and greater socio-economic benefits for the sector. However, the sector recalled the importance to adopt workable measures that can realistically be applied by the industry which has not been the case with the landing obligation. In addition, Europêche requested further efforts and diplomatic pressure for more fisheries agreements with 3rd countries which must be linked to trade and regional policies.

EP17 Press release - Meeting with Machado

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Sep 16, 2016 at 05:36

Los miembros de Europêche se reunieron hoy con el Director General de la DG MARE, Joao Aguiar Machado, para expresar su preocupación por las negociaciones en curso en relación con posibles restricciones a la pesca de arrastre. Podría ser el comienzo de una prohibición de 800m, incluso para áreas ya reguladas en aguas internacionales.


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Sep 13, 2016 at 05:28

Les membres d'Europêche ont rencontré aujourd'hui le directeur général de la DG MARE, Joao Aguiar Machado afin d'exprimer leurs préoccupations au sujet des négociations en cours concernant les restrictions possibles sur le chalutage de fond en mer profonde. Cela pourrait être l'avènement d'une interdiction de 800m, même pour les zones déjà réglementées dans les eaux internationales.

EP26 Press Release - Deep Sea meeting final

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Mar 09, 2016 at 08:26

Members of Europêche today met with the Director General of DG MARE, Joao Aguiar Machado to express their concerns over the current negotiations regarding possible restrictions on bottom trawling in the deep sea which could see a ban from 800m introduced, even for already regulated areas in international waters.

EP26 Press Release - Deep Sea meeting final

Pages: 2

Size: 474.89 Kb

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