Elements with tag energy efficiency

Dec 04, 2020 at 06:26

Following a marathon meeting last night, EU decision-makers agreed on the new European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) as part of the package of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). The new fisheries fund will cover the budgetary period 2021-2027 with a financial envelope of €6.108 billion (in current prices). Europêche welcomes the timely consensus on the new regulation before the end of the year as well as the simplification and flexibility offered by the new fund. However, the sector regrets the budget decrease.

EP68 Press release EMFAF agreement

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Sep 12, 2019 at 01:28

As part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been given a prominent role to regulate and discipline global fisheries subsidies. The main goal is to eliminate IUU1 subsidies and prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing by 2020. In order to speed up the complex intergovernmental negotiations, a High Level Event on Trade, Climate Change and Oceans Economy took place in Geneva this week, where Europêche presented the huge progress made in Europe, to eliminate harmful subsidies and secure the sustainable and responsible management of fisheries resources.

EP33 Press release Fish Subsidies WTO

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Dec 04, 2013 at 15:00

Asean Brown and Bovery (ABB) has shown its engagement to TESLA Project in several ways, the least one trough their participation in Best Practices Collection.

The last friday 29th of November were held by ABB in Madrid one interesting meeting about energy efficiency in industry.. ABB employs an staff of 145.000 people worldwide with a global turnover of 39.800 M€

Nov 19, 2013 at 15:00

37 technicians from the four cooperatives organizations working under TESLA project have positively evaluated the training courses about energy audits. The training sessions have been made up of three theory classes that have taken place in Lisbon, Madrid, Florence and Paris. After this, they have had the opportunity of practicing the acquired knowledge by the developing of an energy audit in a cooperative per country. So, three wineries in Portugal, Spain and Italy respectively, and a fruit and vegetables processing plant in France opened their doors to us to be audited as a pilot.

After its development, as shown in the graph, it is notable that around 70% (67.65%) of participants have overall rated the training as "very good". And...

Nov 19, 2013 at 15:00

, for instance the public release of  key technical deliverables, the celebration of important meetings for the project, the state of audit work, the workshops that will be held  in several European regions, and so on. 

Go to section “Interact with the project - Join this group” and register you for receiving updated communications and the last blog feeding.

Feb 24, 2014 at 15:00

Trained Technicians of the Italian Association of Cooperatives have started the energy audits in three feedstuff plants. The plants are referred to the same cooperative that has different production sites and are part of the 30 companies that will have audited under TESLA Project in Italy.

After this experience, they give us several recommendations about the way of carry out the audits:

Jun 26, 2014 at 15:00


For the development of the European project TESLA, is being very useful to have information about technologies related to optimizing and energy consumption savings in the food industry, particularly for the 4 sectors under the project: olive oil mills, animal feed factories, wineries and fruit and vegetables proccesing plants.

Sep 18, 2014 at 21:43

Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España presenta en Jaén medidas de ahorro energético en almazaras

Madrid, 16 de septiembre de 2014.- El próximo 25 de septiembre Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España y de Andalucía organizan en Jaén una Jornada en la que se presenta el proyecto TESLA y se analizan las principales medidas de ahorro energético para almazaras.

El Proyecto TESLA es un proyecto europeo ideado y promovido por Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España, y co-financiado por el programa Intelligent Energy Europe de la Unión Europea y el MAGRAMA. Este proyecto pretende conseguir ahorros energéticos en la industria agroalimentaria y, especialmente, en las cooperativas pertenecientes a los sectores de bodegas, fábricas de piensos, centrales hortofrutícolas y almazaras.

En Andalucía a través del proyecto TESLA se han auditado seis almazaras de las provincias de Jaén, Málaga y Granada: Cooperativa San Isidro de Loja (Granada), S.C.A. San Francisco de Asís de Montefrío (Granada), S.C.A. San Isidro de Castillo de Locubín (Jaén), S.C.A. la Bética Aceitera de Quesada (Jaén), S.C.A. San Juan de La Cruz de Beas de Segura (Jaén) y S.C.A. Olivarera del Trabuco, de Villanueva del Trabuco (Málaga). Además en el proyecto se auditará otra almazara en Castilla-La Mancha, otras 4 almazaras en Portugal y otras 8 en Italia. Durante la Jornada se presentaran los consumos energéticos de estas almazaras y las medidas de ahorro que se proponen. Asimismo, se mostrarán diversos casos de éxito en gestión energética.

En la Jornada también participará la Agencia Andaluza de la Energía, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y CITOLIVA.

Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España coordina este proyecto, co-financiado por el programa europeo Energía Inteligente para Europa (Intelligent Energy Europe), en el que participan las Organizaciones nacionales de cooperativas de Italia (LEGACOOP), de Francia (COOP DE FRANCE) y de Portugal (CONFAGRI). También son socios del proyecto, la Fundación CIRCE, la Universidad de Évora, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, el centro tecnológico de piensos TECALIMAN y el instituto nacional italiano para la energía ENEA.


Día: 25 de Septiembre. Sala GUADALBULLON

Lugar: IFEJA. Prolongación Avenida de Granada s/n - 23003 Jaén. España


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Jaén, España
Jun 09, 2014 at 01:30

This key actors meeting will be focused in spreading knowledge about the opportunities offered by the TESLA project regarding the improvement of technical know-how on the agro-food processes. Thus, it will pay special attention to the planning of actions with agro-food industry energy services companies advising SMEs in energy issues, suppliers of industrial equipments which can incorporate energy efficiency in their products, etc. Spanish Coops will hold this meeting with these institutions to explain them the mail goals of the project, and offering collaboration regarding the subjects of it.

Key actors interested in collaborating in TESLA project (equipment and technology providers for the agro food sector, energy advisors, etc) will benefit for participating in the project through a wide contact with the cooperatives.


10:00 TESLA. Targets and actions

Mr. Juan Sagarna.TESLA Project Manager

10:30 MOTORs efficiency in TESLA

Mr. Abel Ortego. CIRCE. Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption

11:00 Focused processes and energy efficiency

Mr. Joaquín Fuentes Pila. Polytechnic University of Madrid UPM

11:30 Role of Key Actors in the project

Mr. Laurent Dupont.Coop de France

12:00 Exchange of information

All the attendees

PLACE: COPA-COGECA. Rue de Trèves, 61. 1040 Brussels.

Please, send an email to sagarna@agro-alimentarias. coop or rivera@agro-alimentarias.coop if you were interested in taking part in this meeting.


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Brussels, Bélgica
Oct 04, 2013 at 03:19

30th October-afternoon. 15:00-18:00 Project Meeting

-Overall project Status

-WPs performance

-Updated Risks review

-Financial and reporting Issues

-hot topics

31th October-morning 9:00-13:00

-How to do the Audit Plan in each country?

-What materials will the auditors use? (Audit guide, questionnaires, tools, data bases)

-The grid analyzers, use and availability

-How to do the reports

-hot topics

Roma, Italia
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