The European fishing sector, represented by a consortium of fisheries organisations, together with the Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Mr Millán Mon, co-hosted a successful reception yesterday evening in the European Parliament. The event brought together a wide range of fisheries stakeholders, including representatives of EU Institutions, industry and civil society with the aim to present and disseminate the results of the EU project called ‘SAFEFISHING’, aimed at promoting best safety practices at work and reducing the accident rate in the fishing sector.
Una vez concluido el turno de los ponentes se inicia un debate en torno al tema tratado duarante la jornada "La poducción ecológica en el contexto de la nueva PAC".
> Inicia el debate Dña. Margarita Campos, Presidenta del Comite de Agricultura Ecológica de la Comunidad de Madrid: "La agricultura ecológica tiene un futuro impresionante en España, por esto hay que apoyarla desde las instituciones, y sobre todo desde las Universidades, con profesionales que sean conscientes de la necesidad de formar a los futuros profesionales en la bases de la agricultura ecológica".
17:10 - La profesora de la E.T.S.I. Agrónomos, María Teresa Briz, habla sobre la Red europea Innovative Educativon towards the Needs of the Organic Sector. Es un proyecto Erasmus+, muy innovador, combina la investigación y la docencia.
No todas las universidades parten de la misma base académica, unas universidades tienen grados de agricultura ecológica desde hace muchos años, otras tienen una asignatura obligatoria, otras tienen una especialidad.
The European fishing sector, represented by a consortium of fisheries organisations, together with the Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Mr Millán Mon, co-hosted a successful reception yesterday evening in the European Parliament. The event brought together a wide range of fisheries stakeholders, including representatives of EU Institutions, industry and civil society with the aim to present and disseminate the results of the EU project called ‘SAFEFISHING’, aimed at promoting best safety practices at work and reducing the accident rate in the fishing sector.