Elements with tag fishing capacity

Jun 10, 2022 at 16:34

Fishing must regain its place as an essential and respected activity for the society. Environmental protection requirements must integrate but not overrule fisheries policies.

Press Release - Future CFP

Pages: 2

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Mar 17, 2022 at 12:08

The sector dos not want a radical reform, but a surgical revision of the CFP to better balance the protection of biodiversity, sustainable use and food security. Fishers are blamed for not fulfilling radical fisheries policies which per definition are unachievable.

EP23 Press Release - CFP hearing

Pages: 2

Size: 223.50 Kb

Nov 04, 2020 at 08:54

At the Plenary meeting held yesterday, the EU Social Partners in the Fisheries Sector – Europêche, Cogeca and ETF - welcomed the presentation of the Parliamentary draft report “Fishers for the future: Attracting a new generation of labour to the fishing industry and generating employment in coastal communities” of the Member of the European Parliament, Manuel Pizarro. While acknowledging the report as an important step in the right direction, social partners call on the policy-makers to recognize the key social dimension of fishing, thus improving the health and safety of fishers and attracting youth to the sector.

EP60 Joint Europeche-ETF Press Release - Plenary meeting FINAL

Pages: 2

Size: 701.78 Kb

Apr 08, 2019 at 00:15

The project as a whole, consists in partially implementing the work programme of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fishing in order to significantly make progress in various key areas of interest for Social Partners. The main issues covered by the project are mainly dealing with how to improve health, working conditions and safety at sea of our fishermen.

flyer pillar 1

Pages: 1

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flyer pillar 2

Pages: 1

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flyer pillar 3

Pages: 1

Size: 7.78 Mb

Poster FINAL

Pages: 1

Size: 1.95 Mb

Analysis on Gross Tonnage and Propulsion Power ceilings

Pages: 42

Size: 1.49 Mb


Pages: 13

Size: 395.89 Kb

Training and certification of fishermen

Pages: 84

Size: 6.33 Mb

Formation et délivrance de brevets pour les pêcheurs

Pages: 77

Size: 1.49 Mb

Análisis de los límites máximos de arqueo bruto y potencia de propulsión

Pages: 59

Size: 2.26 Mb

Analyse relative au plafonnement du tonnage brut et de la puissance de propulsion

Pages: 42

Size: 2.25 Mb

De la sécurité des machines fixes installées à bord des navires

Pages: 42

Size: 585.47 Kb

Seguridad de las máquinas fijas instaladas a bordo de los buques de pesca

Pages: 46

Size: 1.13 Mb

Safety of fixed machinery installed on board fishing vessels

Pages: 42

Size: 744.86 Kb

Formación y titulación de los pescadores

Pages: 79

Size: 1.56 Mb

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