Elements with tag fads

Feb 06, 2023 at 08:04

Purse seine fishery’s existence in the Indian Ocean is at stake, after an inapplicable decision against drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) was imposed by vote in the IOTC. Coastal developing states’ economies are severely threatened

EP - 2023-01-06 - Purse seine fleets and associated SIDS economies swept up in geopolitical storm FINAL

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Size: 171.78 Kb

May 24, 2022 at 17:54

Out of the 9 topics discussed, 4 resolutions were adopted during the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) meeting that took place in Seychelles from May 16th to 20th. The 26th session of IOTC adopted a management procedure for bigeye tuna that will allow for the first time to set a total allowable catch in 2024. This proposal from Australia was co-sponsored by the EU and other countries. The adoption of catch limits for bigeye tuna marks a new milestone in the history of IOTC. This proves that Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) can apply modern harvest strategies for tropical tuna species based on the best science. IOTC also takes measure to improve the observer coverage, tightens monitoring and control rules on at-sea and on-port tuna transhipments and is the first RFMO adopting a Resolution on Climate Change.

Press release - 26th session of IOTC_FINAL

Pages: 1

Size: 147.33 Kb

Nov 24, 2021 at 14:44

Europêche represented the European fishing fleet at the 27th ordinary meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) which just ended yesterday following a week of intensive negotiations via video conference.

EP37 Europeche Press Release ICCAT 2021 EN

Pages: 2

Size: 225.03 Kb

EP37 Europeche Press Release ICCAT 2021 FR

Pages: 2

Size: 185.22 Kb

Nov 26, 2019 at 03:56

Europêche represented the European fishing fleet at the 26th ordinary meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which ended on Monday 25 November in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

EP47 Press Release - ICCAT EN

Pages: 2

Size: 559.75 Kb

EP47 Press Release - ICCAT FR

Pages: 2

Size: 640.86 Kb

La Confederación Española de Pesca (CEPESCA) advierte de un incremento en Europa de las ventas de conservas de atún que, a pesar de haber sido capturado con Dispositivos de Concentración de Peces (DCP), conocidos como sistemas FAD, es etiquetado como si no hubiera sido capturado con esta técnica (FAD Free).


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El sector pesquero español se ha mostrado hoy indignado con los resultados de la XIX Conferencia Internacional para la Conservación del Atún Atlántico (ICCAT), celebrada del 10 al 17 de noviembre en Génova, Italia, debido al escaso incremento de la cuota de atún rojo, a la no aprobación de la política de aletas adheridas para los tiburones y a la perjudicial renovación de la veda del pez espada del Mediterráneo.

Untitled 12

Pages: 3

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