Elements with tag Social Dialogue

Dec 05, 2022 at 03:07

Last Friday, the Commissioner for environment, oceans and fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, attended the plenary of the European Social Dialogue Committee for sea fisheries. The social partners, ETF and Europeche, had a constructive dialogue with the Commissioner about the social dimension of the CFP. Fishing sector representatives called on the Commission to seriously take into account the fact that fish workers and the livelihood of their families very much depend on the decisions taken in Brussels. Yet, despite the fact that more and more stocks are fished at sustainable levels, the EU fleet and its fishers are disappearing year after year.

SSDC press release - Commissioner Sinkevicius

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Nov 25, 2022 at 02:44

‘A fisher’s life, a fisher’s future’ has been the motto of the international conference organised by the Fishing Industry Safety and Health (FISH) Platform last week in Thailand. The FISH Platform is a world leading group of experts involved in safety and health in the fishing industry. Globally, most commercial fishers are located in the Southeast Asian region, characterised by a low level of ratification of international conventions aimed at protecting fishers’ health, safety and working conditions. The Platform considered it about time for public authorities, experts, employers and workers to come together to share experiences in the implementation of such conventions, social dialogue, and to jointly push for the sustainable management of the fishing industry. Europêche has joined the call.

EP52 Press Release - FISH Platform Conference Thailand

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Nov 23, 2021 at 09:31

During the plenary session of the European social dialogue committee for sea fisheries held last week, ETF and Europêche adopted a joint resolution establishing benchmark principles aimed at better regulating the proliferation of sustainability labels certifying social conditions on board fishing vessels. The intention is to avoid social-washing labels while stressing the importance of the ILO “Work in Fishing” Convention C188 as guardian of human and labour rights of fishers at sea, which cannot be replaced or substituted by private schemes.

ETF Europeche joint Press release - Social Certification

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Apr 29, 2021 at 09:15

European social partners in the fisheries sector, ETF and Europêche, call on the European Commission to support Member States in developing a specific COVID-19 vaccination protocol for fishers, adapting and prioritizing their access to the vaccine. Considering their recognition as essential workers and the particularities of the fishers' workplaces and working patterns, the social partners have put forward practical guidelines that can help accelerate the process.

EP25 Social Partners Press Release - Fishers vaccination

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May 12, 2017 at 02:56

On Wednesday 10 May the European social partners* on sea-fisheries signed a resolution inviting the European Union (EU) to take up its responsibility and end forced labour practices in EU waters. Investigations executed by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) revealed serious infringements of fundamental principles at work and social protection rights of migrant fishers in a part of the EU’s fishing sector. The social partners expect the EU to ensure fulfilment by Member States of their obligations and to adopt guidelines for flag state and port state inspections to prevent such practices.

EP36 Joint ETF-Europêche-Cogeca Press Release - declaration on abuses of migrant fishers

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EP36 ANNEX Social Partners Resolution on Migrant Labour Abuses

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Mar 01, 2017 at 07:16

Yesterday, 28 February 2017, during a seminar organised by the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) in the framework of the European Shipping Week, Thierry Coquil, Director for Maritime Affairs in the French administration, delivered a message of the French Secretary of State for Transport Alain Vidalies, which also included concerns on fisheries.

EP20 ETF Europêche support French position

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Dec 15, 2016 at 01:45

At its General Assembly held this week, Europêche confirmed the mandate of its President, Javier Garat, for another two years. Mr. Garat is Secretary General of CEPESCA, the Spanish Fishing Confederation.

EP89 -Press Release - Managing Team Confirmed

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Nov 08, 2016 at 02:44

At the Plenary session held on 4th November 2016, the EU Social Partners in the fisheries sector* had a positive meeting with Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, to discuss the many pressing issues facing the fishing sector; particularly concerning safety, health and working conditions at sea.

EP83 Press Release - Social Partners meet Commissioner Vella

Pages: 2

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