Elements with tag coastal communities

Nov 04, 2020 at 08:54

At the Plenary meeting held yesterday, the EU Social Partners in the Fisheries Sector – Europêche, Cogeca and ETF - welcomed the presentation of the Parliamentary draft report “Fishers for the future: Attracting a new generation of labour to the fishing industry and generating employment in coastal communities” of the Member of the European Parliament, Manuel Pizarro. While acknowledging the report as an important step in the right direction, social partners call on the policy-makers to recognize the key social dimension of fishing, thus improving the health and safety of fishers and attracting youth to the sector.

EP60 Joint Europeche-ETF Press Release - Plenary meeting FINAL

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Sep 28, 2020 at 07:15

Europêche has presented today a request to the European Commission for the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of tuna processed loins - mainly skipjack - originating in China, which are causing serious economic damage to the European fishing industry. The information furnished by Europêche to the European authorities discloses the existence of unlawful aids and tax breaks allegedly granted by the Chinese Administration to the Chinese exporters of both tuna loins and canned tuna. The European fishing sector urges the EU to eliminate any present and future tariff derogations granted to tuna loins, which mainly come from China, to mitigate further market and economic disruption.

EP51 Press release anti-dumping complaint FINAL

Pages: 2

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Jul 01, 2020 at 06:25

Charlina Vitcheva, the new Director General of the DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, was welcomed yesterday by the representatives of the European fishing sector, Europêche and EAPO. The meeting allowed the fishers' representatives to present and discuss the key topics with Ms Vitcheva.

EP41 Press Release new Director General of DG MARE

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Jan 31, 2020 at 03:00

Currently representing around 198 fishermen's associations (also known as “cofradías”), 30,000 affiliates and 8,000 small-scale fishing vessel-owners, the Spanish National Federation of Cofradías (FNCP, according to its Spanish acronym) has become the latest full member to join Europêche as of 1st February 2020. The European fishing body welcomes the new member aboard which further confirms Europêche as the largest fishing trade organisation in Brussels.

EP7 Press release FNCP joins Europeche EN

Pages: 1

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EP7 Press release FNCP joins Europeche ES

Pages: 1

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Dec 12, 2019 at 02:26

The European fishing industry represented by Europêche met yesterday Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries. The newly elected Commissioner listened and exchanged views with fishing industry leaders on the challenges faced by the sector and on ongoing fisheries policy developments. Europêche assessed the talks with the Commissioner, who is committed to seek balance between the three dimensions of sustainability during his mandate, as open and constructive.

EP48 Press Release - Europeche meets Commissioner Sinkevičius

Pages: 2

Size: 655.71 Kb

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