Elements with tag Organic

Dec 17, 2012 at 00:49

SIVAL is a key professional showcase featuring:

leading agricultural machinery manufacturers.

a complete multi-sector offering: Tillage, plant protection products, packaging, and more.

an offering that addresses the agricultural issues of tomorrow: laboratories, waste management/recycling, organic products, etc.

an unbeatable offering in France for Fruit and Vegetables: SIVAL boasts the largest representation of seed companies, seedling suppliers and nurseries.

A diverse and impressive offering for viticulture

A unique offering for cider production and medicinal and aromatic plants.

A forum for viable and sustainable plant production

Come talk about new practices and new orientations at the SIVAL conferences and the Opportunities Forum! Listen, discuss and learn to make the most of your business.

An expo organized for and with professionals

Under the presidency of Bruno Dupont, President of the National Federation of Fruit Producers, the Organizing Committee of SIVAL is composed of Vegepolys, technical agencies and speciality crop professionals.

SIVAL is one of the highlights of VEGEPOLYS and the region, and the only event in which the entire cluster comes together to discuss their production problems. Organized by Angers Expo Congrès, a mixed economy company serving the local economy, SIVAL promotes the development of the plant sectors.

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Jul 08, 2012 at 23:41

Contará con unos 40 expositores. Para poder participar (la inscripción será gratuita) será obligatorio ser operador certificado por el Consejo de Agricultura Ecológica de Castilla y León. Más información en www.medinadelcampo.es y www.empleomedina.com. El proceso de selección se realizará a lo largo del mes de junio.

Medina del Campo, España
Jul 29, 2012 at 15:00

En diez años, el "bio" francés ha encontrado que su mercado mantiene vivo el interés de los consumidores, con crecimientos del 10% el pasado año y una facturación de 4.000 millones de euros.

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