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Mar 07, 2023 at 02:14

After an exhausting 40-hour session capping two weeks of negotiations at the UN headquarters in New York, the United Nations (UN) member states agreed to a landmark international Treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of marine Biological diversity of areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ). These areas comprise around two thirds of our oceans. The treaty will implement area-based management tools, including marine protected areas (MPAs), and will regulate human activities in the High Seas. The EU fishing sector welcomes the agreement since the BBNJ Treaty will play a fundamental role in protecting and sustainably use marine areas not sufficiently regulated while respecting and building on the success of fisheries management.

EP11 Europêche Press Release BBNJ Agreement

Pages: 2

Size: 185.54 Kb

Jun 05, 2019 at 03:20

A new report[1] from the UN expert group on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has found that nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history with many species facing extinction at accelerating rates. According to the report, the oceans are no exception to this trend caused by changes in sea use, direct exploitation of organisms, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species. The European fishing industry, while acknowledging the potential risks for the marine environment, stresses that fishing poses no threat for the long-term preservation of marine resources. Proof of that is that thanks to fisheries management and industry-led efforts, fish stocks have been generally increasing in many areas such as the North East Atlantic, currently reaching levels 36% higher than in 2003. This positive trend shows that UN’s extinction warning particularly for fish populations is a bit far-fetched.

EP16 Press Release final - UN report biodiversity

Pages: 2

Size: 563.34 Kb

Oct 15, 2015 at 15:00

La celebración oficial del Día Mundial de la Alimentación de este año en la Expo de Milán de 2015 promete ser uno de los más importantes acontecimientos de la Exposición Universal.

Apr 21, 2015 at 15:00

«Las grandes decisiones que tenemos por delante no corresponden solo a los legisladores y los dirigentes mundiales. Hoy, en este Día de la Madre Tierra, hago un llamamiento para que todos nosotros seamos conscientes de las consecuencias que tienen nuestras decisiones sobre el planeta y lo que supondrán para las generaciones futuras.» Mensaje del Secretario General, Ban Ki-moon

Mar 19, 2015 at 16:00

«Para construir un futuro sostenible y resiliente al clima debemos invertir en nuestros bosques del mundo. Para ello, será necesario un compromiso político a los más altos niveles, políticas inteligentes, un cumplimiento efectivo de la ley, alianzas innovadoras y financiación.» Ban Ki-moon

Mar 19, 2015 at 16:00

«Para eliminar los múltiples problemas relacionados con el agua, debemos trabajar con un espíritu de cooperación urgente, con mente abierta a las nuevas ideas y la innovación, y dispuestos a compartir las soluciones que todos necesitamos para un futuro sostenible.» Ban Ki-moon

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