The unilaterally set Northeast Atlantic mackerel quotas by Norway and Faroe Islands are unacceptable. The EU fishing industry is asking for an immediate EU response to stop Norway and Faroe Islands continuing their unsustainable and irresponsible behaviour, to prevent overfishing of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock. We reiterate our call on the EU Commission and the Council to make use of the instruments at their disposal, such as trade measures, for concrete action. Right now, responsible EU businesses are at risk of being disadvantaged for doing the right thing.
The EU fishing sector has presented to European authorities the critical measures that have to be taken in order to overcome the operational, commercial, and safety problems that the sector has only begun to endure and which will inevitably and without doubt worsen in the coming weeks due to the protective measures taken against the spread of the COVID-19. The primary concern of the sector is the continuity of fishing activities and food supply to EU citizens. Measures are also needed for those vessels forced to cease operations.
The European Commission has launched its annual consultation on the state of fish stocks and the preparation for setting fish quotas for next year marked by the objective to fish all stocks at maximum sustainable yield (MSY1) levels by 2020. The good news is that most of the stocks in the North East Atlantic have already reached this target. However, and despite generalised fishing effort reductions, some fish populations are struggling to rebuild or even to remain at current level. The answer may be found in the latest scientific advices which revealed major challenges in some fisheries caused by the destabilizing effect of the full introduction of the landing obligation and environmental factors such as climate change. The European fishing industry represented by Europêche expresses once again its concern over the stated aim to have all stocks at biomass levels that can produce Maximum Sustainable Yields will prove to be counterproductive, since the production capacity of our sea bas
In the early hours, the Fisheries Council reached an agreement on the catch limits for 2019; just two weeks before the latest and toughest phase of the landing obligation comes into effect. Following a fairly conservationist proposal from the European Commission (EC), which proposed for certain stocks even lower levels of quota than recommended by scientists, Ministers adopted a better-balanced decision that will allow to catch more fish while respecting the sustainability of the stocks in the long term. The positive results yielded, thanks to the sacrifices made by the industry over the past decade, may be however compromised by the quick fixes and patches adopted to try to implement an ill-conceived landing obligation for the complexities of the European waters.
Lors de son assemblée générale tenue cette semaine, Europêche a confirmé le mandat de son président, Javier Garat, pendant encore deux ans. M. Garat est secrétaire général du CEPESCA, la Confédération espagnole de la pêche.
At its General Assembly held this week, Europêche confirmed the mandate of its President, Javier Garat, for another two years. Mr. Garat is Secretary General of CEPESCA, the Spanish Fishing Confederation.
Europêche a accueilli la communauté scientifique et le Commissaire Vella au séminaire d'aujourd'hui sur l'état des stocks de poissons, organisé par la Commission européenne. Le commissaire a fait écho aux paroles des scientifiques qui ont déclaré que de manière générale la mortalité par pêche s'est réduite et les stocks grandissent, ce qui rend l'industrie plus rentable pour les pêcheurs. Cependant, malgré ces bonnes nouvelles, il a réitéré que des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires en ce qui concerne la Méditerranée.
Dans les premières heures, le Conseil de la pêche a conclu un accord attendu de longue date concernant les possibilités de pêche de 2016; juste quelques semaines avant que la dernière et plus difficile phase de l'interdiction de rejet entre en vigueur. Ça a globalement été positif concernant l'augmentation des quotas dans beaucoup de stocks, ce qui constitue une grosse amélioration dans les mesure de gestion et met en avant les sacrifices énormes fait par le secteur.
La Commission européenne a proposé aujourd'hui des recommandations concernant les possibilités de pêche de l'Atlantique et de la Mer du Nord pour 2016. La proposition envisage un quota pour 35 stocks inchangé ou en augmentation et un quota pour 28 stocks en réduction. Ce sera également la première fois que nous constaterons une augmentation de quota, qui a pour but de fournir une compensation aux pécheurs pour chaque poisson supplémentaire qu'ils auront à débarquer, sous la seconde phase de l'obligation de débarquement, qui entrera en vigueur en janvier 2016. Ces sois-disant augmentations seront proposées plus tard ce mois-ci. La proposition ne contient seulement que la moitié du TAC car les négociations avec des pays tiers et les ORGP sont toujours en cours.
Le Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM) vient de publier ses recommandations de quota de capture pour le golfe de Gascogne (dont la côte ibérique), les Mers Celtiques et la Mer du Nord pour 2016. Ces chiffres, basés sur l'évaluation scientifique des stocks, montre une augmentation significative des espèces clé pour 2016 (beaucoup de stocks se sont nettement rétablis). Les données scientifiques présentaient une tendance positive à long terme de l'augmentation des populations de poisson et de la réduction de la mortalité par pêche.
The unilaterally set Northeast Atlantic mackerel quotas by Norway and Faroe Islands are unacceptable. The EU fishing industry is asking for an immediate EU response to stop Norway and Faroe Islands continuing their unsustainable and irresponsible behaviour, to prevent overfishing of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock. We reiterate our call on the EU Commission and the Council to make use of the instruments at their disposal, such as trade measures, for concrete action. Right now, responsible EU businesses are at risk of being disadvantaged for doing the right thing.