Elements with tag uk

Jun 26, 2024 at 09:29

The EU fishing industry is deeply disappointed with the partial agreement reached between the UK, Norway and the Faroe Islands on the sharing of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel fishing opportunities. This agreement does not solve the critical issue of catches exceeding the Total Allowable Catch set in line with scientific advice. Instead, it rewards the setting of excessive, inflated unilateral quotas by some parties in recent years. Therefore, the EU industry urges all Coastal States to resume their consultations on a comprehensive sharing arrangement that should reflect genuine, sustainable track records and interests. It also calls on the European Commission and the Council of the EU to take concrete action against the setting of excessive, artificially increased unilateral quotas and make use of the instruments at their disposal, such as trade measures.

EUROPECHE EAPO press release on NEA mackerel partial agreements UK-NO-FO

Pages: 1

Size: 248.40 Kb

Sep 14, 2023 at 07:53

La agricultura británica recupera 36 pesticidas para el agro dentro de su política de reducir los estándares de seguridad alimentaria y calidad.

Nov 17, 2022 at 06:40

La producción de alimentos en el Reino Unido se ralentiza. Los agricultores reducen sus operaciones ante la falta de trabajadores, el aumento de los costes de producción y los problemas de exportación.

Jun 25, 2021 at 14:12

The UK departure from the EU has profoundly altered the fisheries governance and political scenario in the Northeast Atlantic. In a move to take advantage of the new situation, Norway seems to have abandoned the path of dialogue and good cooperation, unilaterally deciding to unlawfully grab EU fish quota. This action not only poses a serious threat over the future of a constructive partnership with the EU but also over the sustainability of important fish stocks such as mackerel and cod. Since 60% of the fish caught by the Norwegians ends up in the European market, EU fishermen urge citizens to stop consuming Norwegian seafood.

EP31 Press Release EU fishermen call consumers to boycott seafood products from Norway

Pages: 2

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May 28, 2021 at 08:40

The EU pelagic fishing industry, organized under the banners of EAPO and Europêche, strongly rejects the decision made public yesterday by the Norwegian government to unilaterally increase Norway’s share in the mackerel fishery by 55% and is calling on the EU to take immediate action by whatever means to stop it.

EP29 EAPO-Europeche press release Norway's unilateral mackerel quota increase

Pages: 2

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Dec 17, 2020 at 06:32

Today, the Fisheries Council has reached an agreement on the fishing opportunities in the Atlantic, North Sea, the Mediterranean and Black Sea for 2021, and for deep-sea stocks for 2021 and 2022. The catch limits are set in the background of the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and the COVID-19, for which this and next year will be one of the most difficult periods for EU fishers. Despite the Council’s efforts to mitigate the predominantly austere proposal from the European Commission, the fishing industry is still left with several quota reductions and restrictive measures adopted concerning key species for the livelihoods of many fishermen and women in the sector.

EP69 Press Release - Fishing Opportunities 2021

Pages: 2

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Sep 09, 2020 at 06:13

A cuatro meses de la salida efectiva de Reino Unido, no se conoce todavía la forma en que se articularán las relaciones comerciales entre ambos bloques. Un reciente estudio indica que un Brexit duro podría suponer reducciones significativas en los precios de la carne, los lácteos y las frutas y hortalizas para los productores europeos Reino Unido supone el 8 % de las exportaciones agroalimentarias españolas

Dec 12, 2019 at 02:26

The European fishing industry represented by Europêche met yesterday Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries. The newly elected Commissioner listened and exchanged views with fishing industry leaders on the challenges faced by the sector and on ongoing fisheries policy developments. Europêche assessed the talks with the Commissioner, who is committed to seek balance between the three dimensions of sustainability during his mandate, as open and constructive.

EP48 Press Release - Europeche meets Commissioner Sinkevičius

Pages: 2

Size: 655.71 Kb

Nov 09, 2018 at 05:34

La situación de incertidumbre que viven las bodegas españolas que operan con Reino Unido, desde que se anunció el Brexit, se agrava ahora con el anuncio de un posible aumento de los impuestos al vino. Desde la FEV han enviado a todos sus socios un documento para ayudarles a adaptarse a esta posible situación. En contraposición, desde el sector reciben con optimismo el primer paso dado hacia el acuerdo económico entre UE y Japón que abriría la puerta a grandes oportunidades de negocio.

Jul 27, 2018 at 05:59

Reino Unido eleva las exportaciones de vacuno, cerdo y cordero

Jan 16, 2014 at 06:08

El principal objetivo de esta segunda edición del evento Networking Nations es el permitir el acercamiento entre científicos de reconocido prestigio dentro de los sistemas de Ciencia y Tecnología de España y Reino Unido, fomentando nuevas colaboraciones y explorando las diferentes oportunidades de cooperación internacional e interdisciplinar. En este evento, el reto social de H2020 sobre energía segura, sostenible y limpia será el tema central abordado por los científicos presentes.

Colaboran también en este proyecto la Embajada de España en el Reino Unido y la Embajada Británica en Madrid.

El evento tendrá lugar en el Salón de Actos de la Fundación Ramón Areces. Calle Vitruvio, 5, en Madrid.

Calle Vitruvio, 5
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